Unexpected Things

When did I write last? Almost a week ago? Hrmmm… not much has happened. We didn’t end up going up to my mom and dad’s this weekend. We were planning on it, but Alexis was fighting a fever on Friday night and Saturday morning, so we decided to go next weekend. That just means that we have to put up with the shrews and/or mice until then. Rar. Oh well. It happens.

Friday Andy’s mom watched the girls for a few hours so we could shovel the driveway and go grocery shopping. That was really nice of her. She doesn’t get to see them much (even though she lives like, 10 minutes away), so it was a treat for her she said. Friday night we stayed home and did nothing as usual. But it wasn’t boring, it was kinda nice. Alexis went to bed around 8:00 with a 101.2 fever, so I gave her some Tylenol and water, and she went to sleep. Kayla went to bed around 9:00 I think, and slept until 1:00 am. When she woke up, I fed her and changed her diaper, then rocked her to sleep. I checked on Alexis afterwards, and she was burning up. I had put 3 blankets on her to help her sweat the fever out, and she was sweating when I went to bed at 9:30. But when I checked on her at 2:00 am, she was hot, but not sweating. So I took her temp, and it hadn’t gone down. I gave her some Motrin and water and she went back to sleep.

Saturday morning, Kayla woke up around 7:30, so I fed her and changed her diaper, then got her dressed. Alexis woke at 8:15, and her fever was gone. Or so I thought. I had been planning on leaving the house around noon to go to my parents’ house, but at 9:00 am, Alexis’s fever came back. She didn’t want to eat much (but I don’t blame her, when I feel ucky, I don’t eat either), but she drank a LOT of water. Called my mom around 11:00 am and told her we’d have to come up another weekend because Alexis was feeling icky and had a fever, and my mom felt bad, but she said it was okay, we’d do it next weekend. Dad wants my help with sugarbushing (boiling sap to make syrup) again this year, and he’s planning on doing that next weekend. So I will help him then when I go up.

By Saturday afternoon, Alexis’s fever was gone and she was feeling just dandy. Saturday evening, Margie came over and visited for a while, then Andy said something that I never thought I would hear. He said "Why don’t you and Margie go down to the Valley and have a couple drinks and I’ll stay here with the girls." I was shocked. He doesn’t do that. Usually if I wanna go out, he wants the girls to be sleeping. But last night, it was 7:00 when he said this to me, and I didn’t question it. I wasn’t going to let an opportunity to get out the house without the girls slip through my fingers. So Margie and I went down to the Iron Horse and had a couple, then we stopped at Bill’s Bar for one, and talked with the bartender, who I’ve known for years, he’s like a big brother to me. He’s also going to be a daddy in late April! Yay! I congratulated him and gave him a hug n a kiss. Then we left and came home.

That’s about it. This morning while Kayla napped, I cleaned my kitchen. I started it yesterday, pulling all of my silverware and utensils out of the drawers and sanitizing them in hot soapy water for about 20 minutes, then cleaning all of the "rodent poo" out of the drawers. Put clean towels on the bottom of the drawers and put my silverware and utensils back. Today, I cleaned the cupboards and sanitized my pans and tupperware, then I swept the kitchen and my office. That was so much fun *sarcasm, anyone?* Oh well, it’s Spring, well, almost anyway, so it’s time for the Spring cleaning. After I sweep the stairs and upstairs, I get to vacuum, wash the windows, and clean out the porch again. And no, this will not be all today. It will be spread out throughout the week, as I have Kennedy this week. So I’ll be busy busy busy until next Friday when I go up to my parents’ house.

Nothing else, just had to update ya’ll. Time to feed the little one and then we’re all going to go for a walk since it’s so nice today. It’s like, 55 degrees here, and the sun is out and all the snow we got with the 2 big storms we had in the past 2 weeks is finally melting. Yay! Anywho, ttyl!

Don’t Be A Lurker…

March 20– Kayla 2 month check-up & shots 9:00 am

March 22- Kayla hearing screening 10:20 am

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