Like my avatar says, it’s been Monday all week. I started watching Isaac and Aidan this week, they are kids of a girl that Andy works with’s cousin. Does that make sense? He works with this one girl, and I’m watching her cousins kids. There, much better. So yeah, I watch them Monday and Tuesday from 3:30pm til 11:00pm, and Wednesday through Friday from 1:30pm til 11:00pm. Plus I have Kianna Tuesday through Friday from 5:30am until about 2:30-4:00pm. So I get about 5 hours of sleep Monday-Thursday nights. Rar. The only weekday that I have free is Monday morning. But I need the money.

I can deal with little sleep. I have the weekend to catch up. It’s kinda sad though that I think of 7:00am as sleeping in. Hehehe…

Aidan and Isaac are a handful. Isaac has stitches in his forehead from taking a digger at his cousin’s house, so he can’t wrestle or roughhouse or anything, and it’s hard since he’s almost 4. He’s so use to doing that stuff that he’s kinda hard to handle. Aidan is almost 2 and he’s a bully. But we’re working on it. They are finally starting to listen and follow the rules of this house. It’s a trial though, we take it day by day.

Alexis and Kayla are with Heather tonight because she’s taking them on a hayride tomorrow I guess. So I get them back in the afternoon sometime. That means I can go to Once Upon a Child tomorrow by myself! YAY! I can turn in all of Kayla’s clothes that she’s grown out of and get her and Alexis some different ones.

On the Andy situation… Well, I guess I can tell ya that we’re sleeping together. Yeah yeah I know, naughty! But a girl has needs! (And I know my mother will be reading this eventually, so Mom, just hush. Love you!) Our ground rules are that if either of us decides we want to date someone or sleep with someone else, then we don’t sleep together anymore. We’re getting along great, it’s almost like we’re dating again, but we’re not. I guess the simplest way of stating it is that we’re friends with benefits. He still comes over every other day and sees the girls, spending about 3-5 hours here before he goes to work. He works 2nd shift right now but he’s starting 1st shift next week. So he said that if I need him to come help me with the kids when he gets off work he will, since he knows how rough the boys are to handle sometimes.

I’m actually meeting him at the Wild Wood in Woodville tonight after Colleen comes and gets the boys and Andy gets off work, so that should be fun. I’m glad we are friends right now, it makes things a lot easier for the girls, and for us. Why let 7 years of friendship go down the drain? I think it’s pointless to let that happen, and so does he. If we can at least be friends though all of this and afterward, then it’s a good thing.

People keep asking me if we’re working things out and getting back together, or if we’re staying separated and getting divorced. Honestly, I don’t know yet. We haven’t gotten that far. We’re taking it day by day, and we’ll see where it goes. I still love him with all of my heart, and I always will, no matter what happens.

Anywho… the boys are being little hellions right now, so I better get off here. TGIF!!!!!

Don’t Be A Lurker…

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September 29, 2007

7am is sleeping in for me, too. I get up at 5:50 every day to get the boys off to school. NOT fun. My sister has a “friends with benefits” guy. Nothing wrong with it as long as he doesn’t find someone else to sleep with, too, and not tell you about it. Then he’d have his cake and eat it, too. Ya know?? Have fun at Once Upon a Child. I thought we only had those in Ohio. oxoxoxox

September 29, 2007

Live your life how you want to I guess… I was going to comment but its your life… *HUGS* Hope everything is alright!

Nichole’s Mom <——– Keeps opinions to herself and doesn't judge. "hushes" as she is told 🙂 I only want you happy, and will be there for you in good times and in bad. Lots of hugs and kisses to you and the girls!!

October 8, 2007

Ugh I have to wake up at 7 during the week..and even not during the week because that just seems to be when Natalie wakes up. Though today she let me sleep until 715. Yay!