Stupid Phone…

Ugh… my phone is a PITA. For some reason, over the past few days, when I open my phone, the screen doesn’t light up. It’s a flip phone, so the screen should light up when you open it. I’ve had to close it and open it really fast to get it to come on. Then this morning, nothing. No light no matter what I did. Grrrrr… I can see the screen if I hold it under light, but otherwise, I can’t see a damn thing. So, I upgraded our contract with T-Mobile for another 2 years, and got this phone:

Apparently, Samsung is a good phone, it’s not Motorola, which I hate, bad experiences with Motorola, especially the crappy-ass RAZR that fell apart multiple times before I said screw it and chucked it. I love Nokia phones, but I really liked this phone immediately once I read about the features and plus, it looks pretty! I just put the order in a few minutes ago online, so I should have my phone by middle of next week at latest.

Anywho… just thought I’d rant about my POS phone… and show you my new one!

Oh yes, and Kayla’s 7 months old tomorrow! WOOHOO!

Don’t Be A Lurker…

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August 16, 2007

My phone has been acting up like crazy lately, too. The screen will freeze and just blink. I have to take the battery out and put it back in for it to work. UGH! It’s a Samsung, too. I think mine just has a defect or something, though. Dang phones!

hey there.. i have been through 3 moto’s and they are crap.. the last phone i brought was a sam sung and its great. i have a habbit of dropping it and its still working perfect!

August 16, 2007

My phone did that too. Luckily I had an insurance plan on it and got a new phone without having to extend my contract. What phone did you have before??

August 17, 2007

We just extended our contract and got a samsung too. Happy 7 months to Kayla!! Avery turns 7 months tomorrow. I can’t believe they are 7 months old already!

August 17, 2007

RYN: Thank you!

i just got a new nokia from tmobile. i also had the crappy razor and i swear i will never get another motorola

August 18, 2007

how annoying! sorry.

August 23, 2007

everyone in my house has a samsung upstage II. I’ve had other samsungs as well and never had the problems most people have with their cells. Just dont let the kids play with them. LOL..De killed Mike’s last one with drool in one teething moment. Mike didnt understand you just dont give a baby/toddler something that electronic..he didnt quite grasp ‘drool will kill your phone’. He graspedthat fully now. LOL đŸ™‚