So Much

So much stuff has been going on, it’s hard to take it all in. Christmas was good, the girls made off with a mad haul! Got the stuff I asked for for my birthday and Christmas, so that’s all good.

After Christmas? Not so good… But I will abbreviate it.

Colleen, the mother of the boys I watched, got put on first shift and she found another child care place that is certified so she could get Assistance from the County. Fine by me, but she cheated me out of my last two weeks with the boys, plus she still owes me $250 from the last two weeks I actually watched the boys. She’s suppose to be paying me this week since she gets her check, but from what I’ve been hearing, she’s not planning on paying me. Why? Because she’s a bitch that uses people, screws them over, and moves on to the next person.

That left me with no income. Well, little-to-no income anyways. I still was watching Kianna during the day, but that’s only $50 a week.

Andy also was on Unemployment, and it just ran out last week. Right now he’s working for his brother Bob’s girlfriend Valerie, who owns a moving company. She’s just getting the company off the ground, so there isn’t a lot of work yet, but she’s paying Andy cash right now. It adds up to about $100 a day that he works, but it’s only once or twice a week.

Needless to say, I’ve got bills that have to be paid, and no way to pay them at the moment. Hopefully Colleen does pay me this week. That would take a HUGE load off my mind.

With all of this stuff going on, Andy and I haven’t really defined what’s going on between us. We’ve been taking it one day at a time, and trying to deal with one thing at a time.

There is, however, a silver lining to all of this. I applied at a local temp agency, and they called me yesterday. I applied Monday. They called to tell me that they have a job for me, it’s full-time, and temp-to-very-possible-hire. It’s about 25 minutes away, but it sounds like something I really would like to do. The hours are from 7:00 am until 3:30pm. I go in for an interview today at 11:00am.

I also have worked out what to do with the girls. On the days that Andy doesn’t work, he’ll be here with the girls. On the days he DOES work, Heather will be here, but since she has to leave by 2:30pm, and I wouldn’t be getting home until about 4:00pm, my friend Jenn said that she’ll be able to be here for that hour and a half. I am also going to talk to my friend Christina and see if she can be here if Jenn can’t.

There is also a woman just down the road from me who does child care, or at least she did, I still want to talk to her and see if she is still doing it and if she’d be willing to watch my girls so that I don’t have to find child care too far away. It’s really hard to find child care for 2 kids, especially when one is under 2 years old. But hopefully it will all work out in the end.

I’m not religious, I was baptized Catholic, but I don’t follow the religion. Sure, I say my prayers every night, saying goodnight to all of the people I have lost over the years and praying that they look over my family and keep us all safe, but that’s something I’ve been doing since my grandmother died almost 8 years ago. Since then I have discovered that I am not religious, but I believe in certain religious things, like that there is an afterlife and a higher being. I also think true of two beliefs: "Everything happens for a reason" and "When one door closes, another opens".

Aside from all of the hectic days of my life, my girls are behaving so much better without the boys here. Kayla is thriving, running around everywhere and getting into trouble. Alexis is so protective of everyone, which is just like her dad. And me I suppose.

I know I will get through all of this bad stuff, and I’m trying to concentrate on the good, but it’s proving to be somewhat difficult. But I know I have a huge support system of family and friends, and I know that everything will work out in the end.

With that said, all I ask of anyone that reads this is to wish me luck today with the interview, and I am sure that I will write another entry later today or tomorrow saying if I got the job or not.

Thanks for reading!

Don’t Be A Lurker…

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January 9, 2008

Good Luck!!!

January 9, 2008

Good luck!! I really hope things look up for you!

January 9, 2008

Wow, hun, that is a lot that’s being going on. Good luck tomorrow, I hope it all works out for you!

January 9, 2008

Good luck. 🙂

January 9, 2008

LMAO….I’ll send all my dishes to you in that case! 😉 *gag*

January 9, 2008

GOOD LUCK!! Money worries are just the worst…:-( xxx

January 10, 2008

Good luck 😀

January 10, 2008

Good Luck! I hope things start getting better for you!