
Help! Does anyone know how to get rid of shrews? We have at least one, and it’s driving me nuts! I’m finding shrew-poop everywhere, and I know that shrews can bite. I’ve seem a shrew 3 times in this house over the past week. Once scurrying out from behind the fridge to go down to the basement, once crawling out of the garbage can, and once running out of my sink. Andy’s seen one crawling out of the garbage can. But their poop is everywhere! In my cabinets, drawers, on my counter, behind the sink, etc… HELP!

Don’t Be A Lurker…

March 20– Kayla 2 month check-up & shots 9:00 am


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well im geussing you have voles not shrews due to the fact they hibernate dureing the winter.voles look like a shrew and are active year round.A shrew would die in a few days beacuse they eat thier weight in bugs and worms daily due to there high metabolism.Try getting mouse poisen the stuff like little pellets it should clear them up let me know if it works:)

wth is a shrew?