She’s THREE!!!!!!!

OMG, my baby is 3 years old today! I can’t believe it! Well, she’ll technically be 3 at 3:00pm CT, but still, she’s 3! I was in labor with her starting at 11:30pm on September 22, 2004, and she was born at 3:00pm on September 23, 2004. I feel old! So the purpose of this entry is to say…


You’re my munchkin and sure, you’re a pain in the ass most of the time nowadays, and I don’t blame you for it with your age and what’s been going on, but I love you anyways! You’re my first-born, my little demon, hence the devil costume for Halloween this year, so energetic, sweet, lovable, loud, rambunctious, but most of all, you’re mine. Love you lots baby-girl!

Real Entry (read: pissed off entry) back one <———-

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September 23, 2007

Happy Birthday to her!!

Happy Birthday to your daughter. The time flies, doesn’t it?? 🙂 JustBrea (not signed in)

September 23, 2007

children are among the greatest gifts we receive. and the most difficult.

September 23, 2007

Happy birthday!!!! Wow already 3!

September 24, 2007

Awww!! Amazing she is 3 already!