
First of all, thanks to everyone who left me a note on the last entry. It helps to know that I’m not the only mom who has those moments. And yea, I know how lucky I am to have Andy. He’s a great dad, and a great husband.  I’m feeling much better now. Well, except for what’s written below…

*pulls hair out*

Ok, so, in the past couple entries, I’ve written about how Kayla’s got a tummy bug. Well, I figured out where she got it from. When she got her vaccinations on the 22nd of March, she also got the oral Rotavirus vaccine. Why? Because I’m stupid and didn’t think about it. It’s a new vaccine that just came out within the past year. Alexis never had it, but I didn’t think about that. Well, kids are suppose to get it at 2, 4, and 6 months of age. Never again will I have Kayla get that damn vaccine. What a way to dehydrate a baby! Starting last Monday, she has had diarrhea and she’s been vomiting at least once a day. It’s from that damn vaccine!

I’m so pissed off right now. And right on the sheet that they gave me, it says, and I quote:

"Rotavirus is a virus that causes severe diarrhea, mostly in babies and young children. It is often accompanied by vomiting and a fever." She’s vomiting, no fever. It doesn’t seem to bother her at all. She’s happy and smiley and everything, she’s just vomiting and has diarrhea.

"Getting rotavirus vaccine is much safer than getting the disease." "Children are slightly (1-3%) more likely to have mild, temporary diarrhea or vomiting within 7 days after getting a dose of rotavirus vaccine than children who have not gotten the vaccine." I’m sorry, but what would you consider temporary? 2 days? 3 days? Not a damn week! Never again. No freakin way. And Kayla’s not the only one who’s had a problem like this. My sister’s friend’s baby got the vaccine too, and had diarrhea and vomiting for a week and a half.

So, in my opinion, I don’t think they should give kids the vaccine. It’s pointless. It’s diarrhea, everyone gets it eventually in their lives. This is only another way for someone to make money. As long as you keep the person affected by diarrhea hydrated and fed, they will be fine. People have been dealing with it for many many years. I have had it before, and I’m fine. Alexis has had diarrhea before, a few different times, and she’s fine. I kept her hydrated and had her eat what she could. As long as there was no fever and her tongue wasn’t white, she was fine. I lived. She lived. It’s a stupid vaccine.

Sorry for the rant. I just can’t do this anymore. Kayla vomitted up at least 3 ounces of formula last night, her 3rd puking of the day. And I’m talking puke, not spit-up. She’s not a spit-uppy baby, never has been. But this is getting ridiculous. I called the ER last night and talked to a nurse about it, telling her what’s been going on, how long it’s been going on, when she got the vaccine, etc… She tells me that she doesn’t know anything about the new vaccine (which made me mad), and that if I wanted to bring her in I could, but she recommended waiting til Monday and talking to the doctor about it. I hung up on her. I was too irritated. So yeah, she won’t be getting the 2 last doses of the vaccine. I won’t put her through this again.

I gotta go, gotta get dressed for the day and wait for a neighbor to drop her granson off for a few hours so they can go out for her hubby’s birthday. Then I gotta go to the Valley for Keith’s birthday dinner. Busy busy day! TTYL!

Don’t Be A Lurker…


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April 1, 2007

Random noter, saw you on the updates – I hope your baby gets better soon! 🙁 My daughter and I just recently went through a rotavirus attack, and it was NOT fun. 🙁 *comforts*

April 1, 2007

There is another virus going around that seems to mimic the rotavirus it is called Shigellosis. Here is an article about it

April 1, 2007

We have both of those things going around here lately my friend who is an asst directer at a center had it 2 weeks in a row … and kids at her center had it. And a few students in class their kids had it too … it is horrible 🙁 I hope she feels better soon …

April 1, 2007
April 1, 2007

Hopefully, she gets better. I don’t remember if Savanna got that or not. She just had her first about of diaherra and voimiting in Feb. It was horrible.

April 1, 2007

My son had the rotavirus when he was 6 months old and it landed us in the ER with an IV in his head. They tried to put it in his hand but he was so dehyrated that they couldn’t get a vein. It’s more than “just diarrhea” amd keeping a child hydrated that is throwing up constantly is almost impossible. Personally I’d rather my child have the vaccine than the actual virus. My daughter has had 1 doseof the vaccine so far and no side effects.

April 1, 2007

Avery just got the vaccine at his 2 month appt and didn’t have any side effect from it either. Yeah Rotavirus is pretty nasty. My doctor told me they pulled it off the market a while ago, reformulated the vaccine and re-released it again. maybe it’s something else she has.

Random noter- Hopefully your daughter gets better. My daughter actually had got rotavirus (not the vaccine)when she was 6.5 months of age. I will say it is the worst thing that my daughter ever had. She was pooping and vomiting for over 2 wks straight. Mommy2Andi