Party Pics

Hey everybody! Well, Alexis’s party went pretty good on Sunday, she made out like a bandit! She had lotsa fun, and Heather and Jason were even able to get Kennedy a few hours early from her mom so she could come. I have a few pics for ya’ll to see, so here ya go!

Alexis blowing out her 3 candles (Andy bought her that dress BTW, and it’s a XS, which is like a size 5/6, way too big! But so cute!):

Opening some presents, these are the only pics that turned out really well, the lighting wasn’t the best:

Her haul:

She got 2 wooden puzzles, a flapbook, a coloring book, a "cell phone", a baby wagon, a Silly Sam talking broom and dustpan, a purse with "real" lipstick/compact/debit card/wallet/cell phone, a cool inflatable chair with a fabric covering, some sort of Little People Camping stuff, a Splish and Splash Elmo with soap crayons, a Dora Backpack Chair, an Aquadoodle Wall Mat and some Aquadoodle Stamps, and $10. What a very loved little girl! Not spoiled, just extremely loved.

Anywho… just wanted you all to know it went well! Oh yeah, and Kayla’s clapping now! It was so cute, she started doing it after we sang the Happy Birthday Song on Sunday, we all clapped, and so did she! Hehehe, so cute!

K, gotta go, buhbye!

Don’t Be A Lurker…

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September 25, 2007

I’m glad she had such a great birthday!!! What a cutie-pie!

September 25, 2007

Oh my gosh! She is so big and beautiful and THREE!!!! That blonde hair just blows me away. You really do make beautiful babies 😀 I can’t believe that Kayla is now 8 months old. Where did time go? I swear it was yesterday that your mom updated that you’d had her. Happy birthday to Alexis and congrats to Kayla on clapping!!!! xoxoxox

September 26, 2007

Yea! Hope she had a great birthday!!

September 26, 2007

I like that..”not spoiled just very loved!” Cute 🙂 Happy birthday to her!

What a wonderful collection of goodies! Glad party went great! You have such a cute daughter! 🙂