Outlook Today? Very Bleak

Why is it that when things seem to be looking way up and going so well that something happens that always turns it around? Things were going so good lately, I had a great job, my kids love their child care lady, and so do I, my divorce is final, Andy and I are kinda trying to get along again, and I was finally starting to get off of assistance. This blows hardcore.

I lost my job yesterday.

My outlook on life has always been, especially they past few years, that everything happens for a reason. When a door closes, a window opens. I’m having a very hard time trying to find the good part of this.

And for once, this job loss is not my fault.

Due to cutbacks at my company, they were doing their layoffs for hourly people, with the promise of return when things get busy again. They’ve never had to layoff/let go salary/office people before.

They let go 20 people yesterday with no warning. I was the 20th person.

I do have the option of going back when it picks up again. My boss told me that I will be the first one called back once that happens. We’ve never seen eye-to-eye on a lot of things, but we managed.

She didn’t know until 3:15 yesterday afternoon that I was being let go. I was told 5 minutes later when she told me that we had to go down to our Materials Managers office. Everyone else was let go at lunch time, so we all thought I was safe seeing as how we made it through the day. Almost. I wasn’t safe.

Now I don’t really know where to go from here. I have been trying to deal with this as well as I can. The girls are with Andy this weekend, which helps a little bit. I don’t want this to affect them in much of any way. I’m trying to be positive about it, but it’s very hard. Cried a lot yesterday afternoon.

A good friend took me out to dinner and a movie last night to get me out of my house. He’s such a sweet guy. He came over right away and hugged me and told me to let it all out. I cried on him for way too long. I’m a very stubborn and proud woman, and I did that. Not what I would normally do.

I’ve gotten very good at holding my emotions in and guarding them lately. I just let it all go last night and ended up with a huge emotional headache.

Today is a little bit better, but I’m still numb. I haven’t let myself think about it too much. It’s too damn hard.

I know I’m very strong, and I will get through this eventually. It’s going to be very difficult to do, but I know I can.



Don’t Be A Lurker…


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December 13, 2008

Your right in thinking that everything happens for a reason: the economy sucks right now and it’s really unfortunate that you lost your job…everything will work out for the best because people are there for you…including people you don’t even know

December 13, 2008

*HUGS* Hope everything gets better…