Not Yet

Well, nothing yet guys. The cramps went away once I went to bed last night. Grrr… I thought about calling the doctor, but I wasn’t having any contractions and I haven’t lost my plug yet, so I decided against it. No cramps today either. Went to get Andy a new cell phone since his RAZR is a POS, then we went to Wal-Mart so I could pick up a few things we still needed for the baby and I and a couple things for around the house. Walked around Wal-Mart for about an hour, hoping something would happen. But alas, it didn’t. Rar.

Baby girl has been moving lots today and hurting me. Think I’m gonna go lay down for a bit. Oh yeah, Andy got up with Alexis this morning and let me sleep! She woke up around 7:00 and I got to sleep until 8:30!! YAY! I so happy!


Don’t Be A Lurker…



January 11– OB check-up 9:45 am


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January 6, 2007

:::random noter::: Man I cannot wait until that last week *smiles* That was really nice of him to let you sleep in a bit. That always helps…

January 6, 2007

Oh the walking! I remember the day before De was born..I was having contractions but I was only at a 2 so the doctor sent me to the park that has one of those walking paths. I must have walked for 4 hours before I went on to the hospital.. *HUGS* I cant wait for you to have the babe and show us lots & lots of pics!

The last days are always the longest. Won’t be long now.