New Year Entry




Happy New Year everyone! Hope you all had a safe night last night!

I’m wishing that everyone has a better year this year than last! I know mine wasn’t the greatest half the time, so here’s hoping this one is better! It feels like it will be.

Starting the year single with 2 kids and currently on lay-off from work sucks, but I know that it happened for a reason. Everything will sort itself out in time, I just have to wait for it and not fight it. I think I can do that, with a little help from friends and family if I need it. 🙂

I talked to the girls this morning. Guess they are running a little behind so they won’t be home til Saturday now. Sucks, another day away from them. Rar.

But, I look at it this way, it gives my friend and I more time to finish their rooms! He was here today with his kids (his mom was going to watch them but something came up so he brought them with him) and we got a LOT done. His daughter (she’s 6) even helped with a little of the painting I was doing. She also helped by being a big sister and keeping an eye on the 2 boys (ages 3 and 5). Tons of pictures taken, and I will post them when everything is done, which should be tomorrow or Saturday morning. He’s coming over again tomorrow morning to finish up Kayla’s room so I can get their rooms back in order before they are home.

Now I have the house to myself again, and after 3 rambunctious kids here all day, it seems WAY too quiet! But I am ok, mine will be home in no time!!

Don’t Be A Lurker…

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January 1, 2009

I tried leaving a note but son deleted it…glad the girls are coming home soon…

January 1, 2009

Yay! They will be home soon! 🙂