Mommy Survey

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Alexis decided that she wanted to take a break from playing to watch Elmo, and she kept pushing me away and telling me "Go Mommy, Go!" So I stole this from Conspicuous and decided to do it.

Mommy Survey

1. How long have you been a Mom?  2 years and 4 1/2 months

2. How many children call you Mommy?  One

3. Girl? Boy? or both?   Girl and another girl on the way

4. Did you know what you were having?  When I first found out I was pregnant, I had a gut feeling that she was a girl, but then I decided that she was a boy. Our U/S tech couldn’t give us a firm answer, but guessed girl. She was right.

5. How old were you when you became a Mom?  19

6. How long were you in labor?  15 1/2 hours

7. What’s your favorite thing about being a Mom?  The fact that every day I get to wake up and fall in love with this little person I created with my hubby. Looking at her and knowing she’s mine, and that everything I do I do for her.

8. What’s your least favorite thing?  When she’s mad at me because I won’t let her have something she wants.

9. Do you want more kids? We’re having another one VERY soon (due in 3 days), but probably no more after this.

10. Do you plan on having more soon? See above.

12. How many times have you been pee’d on? Not many, only a few when she was an infant.

13. Barfed on? Once or twice when she was a baby and very sick.

14. Is your child named after anyone?  No

15. How did you come up with their names? Her first name just came to me a couple weeks before she was born. Her middle name is my aunt’s middle name, Andy’s sister’s middle name, and Andy’s grandmother’s middle name.

16. When your child gets in trouble, who is the bad guy? Me most of the time, but sometimes Andy actually disciplines her. She’s such a Daddy’s Girl.

18. What is the longest you have been away from your children? 7 days last winter when we went to Hawaii. It was torture, I missed her every day and never stopped thinking about her.

19. Bedtime routine? Bathtime around 7:00-7:30, depending on if she got really messy at supper; reading a few books after bath; snuggle time with Daddy; bedtime at 8:30 after 2 "goodnight" books.

20. Are your toes painted?  Yeah right! You think I can REACH my toes? *laughs hysterically* They haven’t been painted since I was about 4 months along.

21. Last movie you saw in the theater?  Santa Claus 3

22. One thing you will not give up just because you’re a mom?  Ummmm….. Getting dressed ALMOST every day? LOL

24. One thing you did give up now that you’re a mom: Showering every day, there’s just not enough time! I shower every other day now.

25. Best Mom perk: Hugs, kisses, "wuv oo!"’s, smiles, laughs. All from my little girl!

26. Snack you sneak bites from your child: Animal crackers.

27. When the kid is napping, you are: Cleaning, on the computer, or reading/napping.

28. Where is your child(ren) now? Watching Elmo in the living room

29. Favorite place to buy maternity clothes? Uhhhh… ShopKo? I didn’t buy maternity clothes really. They are WAY expensive…

30. If I could do it over, I’d do this differently… Nothing that I can think of. Although, lately I have been blowing things way out of proportion and disciplining Alexis more than normal (stupid hormones). I have stopped that though. I hate making her feel bad and cry.

Don’t Be A Lurker…



January 11– OB check-up 9:45 am

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January 10, 2007

Cool survey! I might have to borrow this from you since I’ve been placed on bed rest and have nothing better to do! 🙂

January 10, 2007

Lovely survey!! xx

January 10, 2007
