Kitty Advice??? and lots of pics, sorry dialuppers

K, so Pepsi, one of the cats I got from my mom, has been being naughty. He’s pooping outside the litterbox. The first few times, it was in the bathtub, so I put a stop to that by closing the bathroom door so he can’t get in. Now he’s pooping on the landing next to the litterbox. I have tried stuffing his nose in the poop and swatting his butt, telling him not to poop outside the litterbox, putting him IN the litterbox and telling him that’s where he goes potty. I’ve had the boys for a couple months now, and this has never happened before. I’d expect something like this in the beginning, but not a couple months later. Any of you had any problems similar to this? Any suggestions? Anything at all?????

Now that that’s out of the way, I can post lotsa piccies! Of course they are of the girls, what else? I love my kiddos! Enjoy!

One of my apple trees blossoming *sniffs* smells wonderful!

Alexis posing and in the last one she’s sniffing the apple blossoms

Alexis "cooking sgetti" 🙂

Kayla outside napping peacefully, the blanket is over the bouncer so she got a little shade, it was REALLY hot that day, like, 87 degrees

Enjoying a little tummy-time outside

She’s teething, so she enjoys gnawing on Mommy’s knuckles

Jumping jumping jumping

Alexis relaxing

Did a little photoshoot of all Kennedy, Alexis and Kayla on Friday, here’s my faves!

We did Mother’s Day on Saturday at Andy’s mom and dad’s, and Alexis and Kennedy wanted to go swimming in their new pool. Alexis is all blue, Kennedy is blue and purple.

Kayla got exhausted watching them, so she fell asleep in the swing


Yeah, that was a lot of pictures… now if this will save so I don’t have to do it all over again… I know, I copy it all just in case! Hehehe… yeah, I’m crazy, that happens. But ya’ll still love me, right? 🙂


Don’t Be A Lurker…

May 17– Kayla 4 month check-up & shots 2:00 pm

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May 16, 2007

so cuuuuute! as for the cat, its probably just because hes new? and still adjusting. hopefully he starts using the litterbox! that would be so annoying since i dont like inside cats, haha.

May 16, 2007

Love the pictures… 🙂

May 16, 2007

When you clean up the poop are you just throwing it away or putting it in the litter box in front of him, so he knows that’s where it goes. You might need another box, cats are weird and don’t like to poop where others do, or if it is too full. Cats can be very spiteful, if you do anything out of the ordinary, or anything that makes them feel slighted, they will do stuff like this.

May 16, 2007

The only examples i really have are of my dog, when we brought our cat home she peed in my bed, then i shut her out of the bedroom last week and she ate my whole couch cushion, and we didn’t lock her in the kennel before we went out so we “abandoned” her and she pooped on the floor, she never does this if we are home, or if she’s in the kennel.