
It’s 5:31 am, and in about 15 minutes, Tasha will be dropping Kianna off for her first day of me watching her. She’s about 2 months old or so, and just a cutiepie! Tasha and Trenton stopped by Monday night so we could get most stuff hammered out like hours, schedules, etc… I can’t believe how much she’s grown! I think she was like, 7 lbs 3 ounces when she was born, and at her appointment Monday, she is just over 13 lbs! She’s starting to get a little meat on her which is great, and she’s such a tall baby. No surprise there though, Tasha’s like 5’10 and Trenton’s like 6’2 I think. Tall people.

Ashley will be dropping Avery off probably right after Tasha so that will be fun. Hopefully Alexis and Kayla will sleep until 7:00 again, so I can get Kianna and Avery fed and changed before they wake up. Kayla’s been kinda funny about sleeping lately. I know it’s because of her teeth, and that’s fine. She’ll wake up at 7, stay up until 11:30 or so, nap for 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 hours, then stay up the rest of the day. She did that yesterday, and didn’t go to bed until about 10pm. She was WAY overtired. She did get another tooth in though! Her top front right one. The top front left one will be coming in within a few days I’m thinking. It’s pressing REALLY hard against the gums, and she’s so crabby. My poor baby… But, unlike Alexis, she hasn’t gotten any fevers, no excessive drooling, no red cheeks, and no diarrhea from teething. It’s a nice change of pace.

Anywho… I better get some breakfast before Tasha gets here. TTYL!

Don’t Be A Lurker…

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August 29, 2007

That is tall. I’m only 5’3.

August 29, 2007

Im back! Goodluck with the babysitting. I always loved doing it myself.

September 3, 2007

Hope watching the kids goes well…