If it’s not one thing…


…. it’s another.

I"ll start by saying that there is a good thing that happened! I got a new water heater yesterday, so YAY for hot water! So happy! And the guys that installed it upped my water pressure too. Turns out, my dad forgot to tell me there was a whole-house water filter down in the basement that needs a new filter every few months. Uh, never knew that! Turns out Dad forgot all about it. We turned it onto bypass and my pressure jumped even more! Yay! Hahaha… Silly.

And when I took Kayla to the doctor the other day, the test came back negative for strep. Seems whatever she has/had is/was viral. No more coughing after that day, but she was sneezing to beat hell! Lotsa boogies. Ew. She’s better now, not as runny nosey and barely anymore coughing. A little at night, but not much.

*******If you’re squeamish about kid poop, don’t read this TMI*******

I have another appointment for Kayla to go BACK to the doctor today at 12:30. Different problem though. See, when I got them back from Andy on Sunday, he told me Kayla caught a tummy bug and had the runs. That passed quickly, by Tuesday it was better. BUUUT… she hasn’t pooped since then. She tries, but everytime she tries, she starts crying and screaming "Owwy! Owwy! Poop!" My poor little bugger. I’ve tried juice and used oatmeal this morning. I’m going to give her some corn in an hour at lunch. But, if she doesn’t do anything by noon, I get to take her back in. She’s so uncomfortable. It doesn’t seem to hurt her until she tries to poop though.

*******DONE WITH TMI*******

And if that isn’t enough, I just got an email this morning from my aunt saying that my grandma is in the hospital for intestinal issues. My dad called my grandpa this morning to find out what’s going on, but we will wait until about noon to know more once the doctor sees her and they run a few tests. Hope everything turns out okay tho, she was just in the hospital not too long ago for carpal tunnel.

On a happy note, I get to see my nephew this weekend!!!!!! I started making him a blanket for his birthday this past February, but I never got around to finishing it cuz I didn’t know when I was going to see him next. Well, my sister is bringing him up to my mom’s tomorrow for Easter, so I get to see him! Haven’t seen him in over a year. He’s gotten so big! Here’s his blanket, I just finished it yesterday:

Well, I better get offa here. Gonna try massaging Kayla’s tummy some more. I’m hoping I don’t need to keep that appointment with the doctor. He’s working a short day and he’s already double booked, but once the receptionist heard why I wanted to bring Kayla in, she squeezed me in. So nice! Otherwise, Kayla would have to see a different doctor, and I don’t like doing that.

Think positive for me about Kayla and my grandma!

Don’t Be A Lurker…

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April 10, 2009

Poor Kayla. 🙁 Maybe try prunes, or prune juice? That always worked for me….LMAO.

April 10, 2009

as crazy ass this sounds try dsrk brown sugar water it works on my twins and their dr suggested it ..

April 11, 2009

Poor Kayla. I hope she feels better.

April 11, 2009

Oh hope she feels better and Yea for a new water heater!

April 23, 2009

Oh my gosh…Poor kiddos! Especially Kayla. I think Harper feels her pain right now. 🙁 I never thought to try prunes or prune juice. (Thank Twice Blessed for me. I saw her note) Might have to go out and get some. She will like it. She loves everything sweet 🙂 Yay for awesome water pressure. Our master bath has great pressure but the boys’ bathroom not so much. Ugh. Wish we had our coffee together this morning. xoxo