Husband Survey–Thanks Amy!

About My Husband

How did it all begin?
My sister was really good friends with him, and they actually dated for a month or so, then decided it was screwing up their friendship so they broke it off. My friend Ashley was dating Andy’s roommate, and we went there after school all the time.

Where did you meet?
Uhhh… My house I think.

When did you meet?
Summer of 2000

Was it love at first sight?
No way. He was dating my sister and he looked kinda geeky. Plus I had a crush on someone else at the time.

how old were you both?
I was 15 and he was 18

When did you have your first kiss?
In October of 2000. I had just broken up with Mark, a mutual friend, R.I.P.,  and was feeling kinda down, so we were going to the movies. We stopped at his parents house for something and I sat at the table. He came over and kissed me and I returned the kiss. Then I felt bad because I was still hung up on Mark, so I ended the kiss and told him I just wanted to be friends.

Where was your first date?
The movie theater we went to as friends in the above question.

How long until you met the parents?
A couple months after we started hanging out.

When was it official?
We officially started dating January 2, 2001, the day after I got home from Jamaica. We officially became engaged in April 2002, and got married August 23, 2003.

The good…

Whats your happiest memory of him?
Oh god… Um… There are a few, but I would say the times we sat outside on the bench and looked at the stars and talked for hours. And the birth of both our girls of course.

What’s the sweetest thing he has ever done for you?
Lots of stuff. The biggest thing I remember is when we first started dating he bought me this huge gorilla (I still have it too!) for Valentine’s Day, and we cooked dinner together and sat and watched movies all night. And then when my mom moved a couple months later, he sat with me and held me when I cried because I missed my mom, and she had only been gone for 20 minutes.

Does he buy you lots of gifts?
Not really. If I pick them out he will, but he doesn’t like to find stuff by himself.

What’s your favorite thing to do together?
Snuggle on the couch or in bed with the girls between us and watch cartoons.

When did you know you were falling in love?
I think I knew when we were just friends. I went to Jamaica with my family for a week, and the whole time I was gone, I couldn’t stop thinking about him. We started dating the day after I got home.

Who said I love you first?
I did

Is it true love?
It’s more of a complicated love. But for me I love him truly, no matter what. We have more than our share of problems, but it’s still there…

How do you know this?
All the tough times we’ve been through and came out stronger in the end.

The bad…

Whats his worst habit?
Spending money

What annoys you about him?
He’s selfish, except when it comes to the girls.

Has he ever hurt you badly?
Oh yeah… just take a look through some of my past entries…

Do you trust him?
At the moment… not sure. I’ve been hurt.

The ugly….

Best facial feature?
His bright blue eyes

Favorite part of his body?
He’s got a great ass!

Hair color?
Dirty blonde/light brown

What does he smell of?
His deodorant, I love that smell

What’s he wearing when you picture him in your head?
I dunno….jeans? (or nothing when I’m being naughty  lol) *so stealing this Amy!*


How do you feel when he holds you?
Safe and loved

How do you feel when you fall asleep and wake up in his arms?

How does it feel when he touches you?

Does his touch give you goose bumps?
Depends on the touch *wink wink*

Does he kiss your neck?
Yes! I love it!!

Your tummy?
Oh yeah…

Your forehead?

Deep and meaningful..

Could you be without him?
As long as we’re still friends

Do you think about him constantly when your apart?
Not anymore

How long have you been together?
Almost 7 years

Can you see a future together?
It’s kinda murky at the moment

Would you like to get married?
We did that 4 years ago.

Have children?
Yes, 2 girls

Where can you see your relationship in a years time?
Not sure… still murky

Do you know there is definitely no-one better out there for you?
No comment

How do you know this?
See above.

Are you scared he might find someone better?
There’s no one better than me.

Is he your best friend as well as your lover?
We started out that way and still are.

Does he come first over everyone else in your life?
No, my kids do

Would you die for him?

On a lighter note…

What’s the funniest thing you have ever done together?
Geez….that’s a tough one.  I’ll have to think about that.

Say something that only you two understand.
Big Butts

Do you have nick names for each other?
Not really

Does he make you laugh?

Do you wrestle?

Is he ticklish?

Are you?
OMG yes.

His Favorites…

Pork chops and mashed potatoes

Coke and Mountain Dew.




Clothing style?
Jeans and a beater if hot, a t-shirt if warm, sweatshirt if cool/cold

Anything country or old school rock/rap

See above.

Your things…

Close Enough to Perfect by Alabama; When You Kiss Me Like This by Toby Keith; Angel by Shaggy; She’s In Love With the Boy by Trisha Yearwood

Anything by Adam Sandler or Jim Carrey

Place to h

ang out?
Probably at home

Meal to cook together?
We haven’t cooked together since our first Valentine’s Day, at that was chicken nuggets and macaroni and cheese (hey, I was 16, gimme a break! LOL)

Time you saw him?
Uh… does right now count? He’s sitting on my lap

Kissed him?
See above.

Spoke to him?
See above.

The last text he sent you?
About 10 minutes before supper, he was playing with the Z key

When will you see him again?
If I look to the left

Speak to him again?
If I say anything right now

Tell him you love him again?

Have you ever spent the night together?
Ummm….I think so. LOL

Celebrated a holiday together?
Last week Thanksgiving

Met his parents?
Didn’t we already talk about this?

Had naughty time?
Never, immaculate conception I tell ya, I’m a virgin LOL

Made him cry?
When we got back together the last time

Done anything spontaneous together?
Back in May we went to Appleton for the weekend

Is this love?
I hope so since I married the man.  If it’s not I’m in big trouble.

Don’t Be A Lurker…


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November 29, 2007

I love this!!

November 30, 2007

How interesting…Stay strong in the Lord, things being murky will get better. Just trust in Jesus for guidence.

December 1, 2007

Cute survey! I love it! xx