




Stole this from Amy, thanks!


1] Honestly, how many people have you completely fallen for?  Only one

2] Honestly, what color shirt are you wearing? Black

3] Honestly, what’s on your mind? The gas bill

4] Honestly, what are you doing right now? Doing this survey while my cat tries to climb my shoulder

5] Honestly, have you done something bad today? Not that I can think of

8] Honestly, when was the last time you did something illegal? Uhhh… I speed every once in a while, but I haven’t been caught at anything since I was 16

9] Honestly, do you want to see someone this very minute? Not really, just my bed

10] Honestly, do you have deep secrets? Sure do. Who doesn’t?

11] Honestly, where do you see yourself in 10 years?  Hopefully with a house and possibly a new guy

15] Honestly, does someone like you? I’m sure I have at least ONE person who likes me. LOL

****has anyone noticed that this survey is missing some numbers???? ****

17] Honestly, if your ex called you tonight and wanted to get back together, would you? No, tempting, but no. It’s over, done, finit

18] Honestly, what do you want right now? To have tomorrow be Saturday lol

19] Honestly, would you use family connections to get a job? It depends on the job, but probably not

21] Honestly, have you ever made anyone cry? Unfortunately, yes. I hate the thought of making anyone cry, though.

22] Honestly, do you know what love is? Yes. It’s all-consuming. It’s open and honest and trusting. And completely unconditional.

25] Honestly, what is a trait that you find attractive?  Honesty and the ability to have fun but still be able to be serious about important stuff

26] Honestly, are you normally a happy person? Mostly, yes

28] Honestly, what is your greatest fear? Something happening to my children, someone in my family or a friend

30] Honestly, are you annoying to people? Probably to some. But, as the saying goes "The people who mind don’t matter and the people who matter don’t mind’

32] Honestly, would you rather save a family member or 1000 strangers? A family member, I guess. But I’d feel guilty if I didn’t save the rest, too. (same here Amy!)

33] Honestly, what religion do you find most annoying? Not answering that one. Probably Jehovah’s Witnesses

34] Honestly, when was the last time you said ‘I love you’? Today. To both my girls before bed about 30 minutes ago

37] Honestly, who is the last person you hugged? My children before bedtime

38] Honestly, what’s your favorite thing to talk about? Uhhhhh… not sure. I talk about a lot of stuff. I think it depends on who I’m talking to. I like to talk about my kids though

Have a great day, all.




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