Great Friends*Ex2

It’s 5:57am, and I was just kicked off  my couch by my 3-year-old who SHOULD be in her bed… I usually snuggle with Kianna in the mornings for about an hour, but this morning I accidentally ran into a toy checking on the girls, and thus awoke Alexis, who will NOT go back to bed without making a lot of noise and waking everyone else up. So now she’s asleep on the couch where I usually nap in the morning, and I’m here typing while Kianna naps in the bouncer. Joy!

I didn’t get the job. Found out yesterday that Norlake decided to hire someone within the company. That sucks major ass. Brigham said they will put me on the Hot List so when something comes up I’ll be one of the first ones to consider.

I do have some great friends though. Tasha called me last night and told me that she and Trenton have been talking and to help me out, they would like to pay me more for watching Kianna. I’ve only been charging them $50 a week since they’ve been trying to get a house. I’ve been watching her since she was 6 weeks old. So this was also back when things were uncomplicated between me and Andy. Back when I didn’t have to worry about having enough money to cover the bills plus have a little bit extra for spending money. Now I’m like, spending money? What’s that? There’s no such thing as spending money anymore…

I told Tasha that would be great, and she said that if they had someone else watch Kianna, it would be about $100 a week for 4 days, so they would just rather pay ME that much each week, and it would help me out a little bit and Kianna wouldn’t have to change child care.

I thanked Tasha and let her know that it may not be a permanent thing, that since things are so undefined between Andy and I, I’m trying to figure out what would be best, whether that be staying home or getting a job.

This weekend it will be all figured out. Andy has to make up his mind this weekend, I can’t do this anymore. I have to know why he’s here. I amsick of feeling like I’m being used because I’m too nice. Colleen used me and screwed me over badly. She still hasn’t paid me the $250 she owes me, and now I’m royally screwed on my bills.

Everything is overdue, except the cell phone bill that Andy paid a couple weeks ago, and the truck payment that is automatically withdrawn on the 25. The one bill that I HAVE to make sure is paid, otherwise I go to court and get screwed out of more money. Only 9 payments left of $300 a month for a truck we no longer have… Man that blows…

Anywho… want to thank everyone for the good luck wishes. Hopefully things will work out soon and I will know what my future will be.


K, so since some people are wondering why I’m paying on a truck I don’t have, I will semi-explain it. Andy and I got a loan for a truck back when Alexis was 2 months old or so. We ended up splitting up, couldn’t make the payments on the truck, and had to voluntarily surrender it back to the dealership. The loan was for $23,000, they sold the truck at auction for $10,000, and we got $2,000 back in rebates or something, so we still had to pay $11,000. Our payments have been $300 a month, and it’s almost done, thank goodness!

And good news, I think! I got a call from Brigham today, and the place I went in for that interview at said I did a good job on the interview, and they have a different position open. It’s a shipping clerk, and I’m waiting for Brigham to call me back with an appointment time for a quick interview up at Norlake. Hopefully!!!!!


Well, the interview was okay. I will find out Monday if I got the job or not. I interviewed with a different guy and another gal today, and if I get the job, I will be working between both of them. It will be for about 3 or 4 months, and if I am doing really well after that time is up, then it’s a good chance I’ll be hired on as a full-time employee. Right now I’d be taking over for someone who is on Maternity Leave.

Basically the job is inputting numbers for shipping orders and making sure that the orders get out on time. Lots of multi-tasking, fast pace, lots of attention to detail. Should be fun! Oh yeah, and it’s $11.00 an hour! I’ve never made more than $8.75 an hour, so that’s awesome! Working full-time, I’d be making $440 a week before taxes. That’s 4 times as much as I was making watching Colleen’s boys. Of course if I get hired on full-time, then I have to find permanent Day Care for the girls, and that will cost a pretty penny. But Andy will be paying half of it so… Shouldn’t be TOO bad.

Hope I get it! Have a good weekend everyone!

Don’t Be A Lurker…

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January 11, 2008

I’m glad they’re going to pay you more. That sucks about that other person. Just remember, karma is a b*tch. She’ll get her dues!

January 11, 2008

i hope you get a job soon… i know not having money sucks majorly…. how come you are paying on something you don’t have?

January 11, 2008

Whats the point of a second interview LOL… hopefully, you get the job again 🙂

January 11, 2008

Oh wow, that would so suck to have to pay on a truck you don’t have. But good for you for keeping up with it, and only 9 months left! YAY!

January 11, 2008

$50 is nothing! That’s great that they’re going to pay you more! How many days do you babysit her?? xxx

January 11, 2008

that would be sooooooooooooooooo cool if you got the job LOL…. the most i have made is ten dollars an hour :S I would love 11 hehe.. I am dork and its late