
I’m pretty frustrated right now. For one, our DVD player in our  VCR/DVD combo isn’t working. You insert a disc and it says "No Disc". RAR! That really sucks, because most of our movies are on DVD, and so are most of Alexis’s. She’s been on this big Looney Tunes kick lately, cuz we have the Looney Tunes Golden Collection, and she likes watching the Bugs Bunny disc and the Daffy & Porky disc. Now she can’t, and she’s pissed! Plus she’s been going through this little phase where she doesn’t want to listen to me and likes to tell me (read: yell at me) "NO!" about everything. I’m going out of my mind with that child right now. At least I know I’m not the only one tho, Andrea told me Hunter is doing the exact same thing, so we’re dealing with it together. Thank goodness for close friends, huh?

I’m still all frustrated because the baby still hasn’t decided to come out yet. I’m so uncomfortable it’s not even funny. 3 days left til my due date. And my doctor’s appointment is tomorrow morning at 9:45. I was hoping I would go into labor before then!!

I’ve been starting to nest really bad too. Yesterday, I decided it was time to get the playpen out and clean it and air it out so that I could set up the living room for when the baby comes. So I popped it up and cleaned it with hot soapy water and let it air dry, then I moved a few light pieces of furniture (a couple of chairs, I pushed/pulled them, no biggie, don’t yell at me!) so that I could vacuum under them. Well, I discovered that where I want to put the playpen is right next to the wall that is falling apart.

See, our walls downstairs are almost all plaster and lathe walls, and they are falling apart, and have been for quite a long time. Alexis likes to pick at the plaster, which is a PITA to clean up, but thank goodness she doesn’t do it much anymore. So when Andy woke up yesterday, we decided that tomorrow we’re going to go to Hudson and pick up a few sheets of particle board (fake wood but it’s nice and smooth, comes in multiple patterns & designs, like wallpaper only tougher) and hang it over the plaster. They are the ony 2 walls left in the living room that aren’t covered, and we really should have done it a few years ago, but for some reason, we didn’t think of it.
So we’re finally going to do it.

On a better note, Andy’s new cell phone came in the mail yesterday. That was pretty nice, cuz now I have my phone back! YAY! I hated his RAZR, what a POS. So I got to show him how to set everything up on it cuz it’s the newer version of my phone and I already knew how to do everything on it. That was fun (not!). Andy’s new toolbox should be coming in tomorrow at Sears in River Falls, so we get to go pick that up as well as the particle board stuff. He’s been waiting for the toolbox to come in for the past like, 2 1/2 weeks! It was on backorder since it was such a good deal and everyone was buying it. He’s all happy now.

Nothing else. I’m gonna go play with my munchkin now. TTYL!

Don’t Be A Lurker…

January 11– OB check-up 9:45 am

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January 10, 2007

Our DVD player is slowly dying..half the time you have to play around with it to get it to read a disc. Hopefully you go into labor soon! I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you! Mel

January 10, 2007

Our DVD player is broken too! The door of it is stuck and won’t open or close! Darn thing! ryn: This bed rest thing sucks! It’s hard to do nothing when the nesting instinct has kicked in and I keep thinking of everything that needs to be done!