
Hrmmm… Kayla will be 4 weeks old tomorrow, and a month old on Saturday. Wow, went by so fast! She’s still got a cough, but it’s not as bad as it was. Alexis, on the other hand, is a completely different matter. For the past 2 days, she’s been having a fever off and on. Here’s what it’s been like:


  • 3:50 pm- 101.9 underarm + .7 degrees (to make it accurate) = 102.6, gave her 1 tsp Tylenol + Cold
  • 6:30 pm- 98.4 underarm + .7 degrees = 99.1, no meds given


  • 8:15 am- 100.5 underarm + .7 degrees = 101.2, gave 1 tsp Tylenol + Cold

woke up thirsty, had some water; she was very crabby, clingy and whiny; had a cough, runny nose and fever; laid on the couch and fell asleep until about 9:45 or so after eating a bowl of oatmeal and drinking a cup of orange juice and a cup of fruit punch (juicy juice, good source of vitamin c)

  • 12:45 pm- 102.7 underarm + .7 degrees = 103.4, gave 1 tsp Motrin

had a 1/2 muffin, 3/4 apple, 1 slice of bread and a few Kix from 1:00-2:00 pm plus a full sippy cup of water; napped from 3:00-6:00 pm; didn’t eat supper, flatly refused it saying she wasn’t hungry, but drank a lot of water

  • 6:58 pm- 102.7 underarm + .7 degrees = 103.4, didn’t give meds but called the ER to ask if I should take her in. Noticed she had chills along with the fever, promptly freaked out because she had never had the chills before. The ER told me to bring her in if I felt I needed to, but was advised to administer meds until tomorrow unless her fever got to be 104 or higher. Gave her a warm bath and a cold washcloth for her forehead.
  • 7:45 pm- 102.7 underarm + .7 degrees = 103.4, gave 1 tsp Tylenol + Cold
  • 9:00 pm- 99.3 underarm + .7 degrees = 100, no meds, just making sure her temp was going down
  • 10:00 pm- she didn’t stay still long enough, last reading was 96.3 underarm + .7 degrees = 97, no meds, just making sure her temp was down

Anyone else worried about this? It seems like her fever spikes, then goes down right after I give her the meds, then spikes later on, then goes down after meds, then spikes again later. Am I crazy??? According to the ER nurse, this is a virus that is going around, and she said it seems like half the county has the same problem. Hrmmmmm… If her temp is up in the morning, I’m going to call the clinic and make an appointment, because this is ridiculous and is starting to worry me. Gonna check her temp again before I go to bed, and prolly give her some Motrin to keep her temp down, then check her temp again when I wake up with Kayla in the middle of the night. Hopefully her temp stays down and doesn’t spike again. It’s freaking me out!

Other than the sickness and fevers and all, my life took an interesting turn yesterday. I got a phone call from a place I applied at like, months and months ago, last Spring sometime. Apparently, they are hiring for inside sales and were going through resume’s they had on file. I went in for my interview this morning, and I think it went pretty well. The guy said that they’d be doing interviews over the next week or so, but if I make the 2nd cut, I will get a phone call and have to go in for for some testing of my skills. If I get the job, it’s 8-5 M-F and about $11.50 an hour. Funny thing is, I hadn’t even started looking for a job yet! And when I got my horoscope in my email yesterday, it kinda weirded me out, as I got it AFTER the guy called me. Here’s what it said: "A bigwig wants to lend a helping hand. You almost can’t believe your good fortune. Well, believe it! And most importantly, take advantage of this resource. (Don’t forget to say thank you afterward.)" Freaky huh?

I won’t get my hopes up though, but I will think positive thoughts. Everyone else think positive thoughts for me too okay? I could do this job, it sounds like what I’ve been looking for. If I got it, that would be wonderful!

Oh! I have also been a naughty girl!! Andy and I had sex on Sunday while his mom took the girls to see her mom for a few hours. I know, I know, naughty me! My bleeding has almost stopped and I felt fine, and it felt GREAT! I go in for my 6 week check-up in 2 weeks, so everything should be fine. I know you’re not suppose to have sex until after your check-up, but we couldn’t wait. It was killing us! RAR! Oh well, we did it anyway, and we both feel MUCH better.

Nothing else, just thought I’d share all of that with ya. And update you on some stuff. I’m sure I’ll write again soon, when I have the time, and I’ll let ya’ll know about Alexis’s fever and Kayla’s check-up and the whole job situation. Gotta catch-up on some Faves, so I’ll ttyl!

Don’t Be A Lurker…

February 20– Kayla 1 month check-up at 9:00 am

February 28– Me 6 week check-up at 9:00 am


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February 13, 2007

Almost a month already?!?!?! Aaahhh! Time really does FLY. I would wait and see how Alexis is tomorrow. If she doesn’t seem any better, take her in. I hate it when kids get fevers. 🙁 Good luck with getting the job!!!! My OB with Lydia has all his patients (aside from c-sections) come in at 3 weeks for a check up. After that, if all is well, sex is allowed. I wonder why the difference?

February 14, 2007

Welcome to the Morgan household. That is exactly the same sickness that went through our household. Quinn was off school for 3 days and it takes being on their deathbeds to let my kids stay home from school. It was awful! Hope your little sweeties are feeling better soon. xoxoxo

February 14, 2007
February 14, 2007

You naughty woman you! 😉

February 14, 2007
February 15, 2007

I hope she feels better. Poor thing 🙁