


Life is getting a little easier these days. We’re learning to become independent from one another, and he’s starting to grow. Me, I’m dealing just the same as before. Pretty well actually. I’m very proud of myself, and of him. He had a small set-back on Monday night, but I believe he learned his lesson. He’s starting to look better, like he’s crawling out of the depression he’s been in for the past while. It makes me happy to see that, and lets me know I don’t need to worry as much.

The girls are the same crazy, loving, energetic children they have always been. I’ve been trying to carve out extra time with them after work, but it’s very hard with everything that needs to be done around the house. It helps that we’re starting a routine where Andy comes over once or twice a week and spends a few hours with the girls. I either do some cleaning or I leave so they can have alone time with him. He’s starting to make an effort, and it makes me smile.

Another thing that makes me smile… work is slowing down a bit, so I’m not as stressed at the end of the day. Lowers my blood pressure considerably! Love my job more and more each day, hate dealing with the stress that comes with it though. But it’s getting better.

Time to go clean since the girls are with Andy this weekend. Got tons of energy and ambition, which is very rare! I know how I got the energy, but that’s my little secret for now *winkwink* I’ll just say my muscles are VERY loose this morning, and last night was a blast!

Don’t Be A Lurker…

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December 28, 2008

I just joined the divorce circle. I know a divorce is coming…just in limbo because he and I can’t afford for him to go any where else. So we are living together. I am scared for my kids…*sighs* I am scared about everything.