Drunken Bullsh*t


I’m tired of all the drama. Tired of all the bullshit. He crossed the line last night, he needs help. Serious help. He needs to get over it.

The basics? Andy came over at 1:30 this morning, stumbling through the house, drunk off his ass. A friend of mine was helping me paint the girl’s rooms. We painted til late, so he slept on the couch since we were going to finish it today starting early, no sense in him driving a half hour home then a half hour back.

He heard someone pull in, stumble around outside, so he came upstairs to wake me up. Andy stumbled up the stairs, assumed the worst, tried to push the bedroom door open. We exchange words, Andy left. Me, in my irate state, I was very aggitated and made a stupid decision.

We drove to SV to try to talk to him, I wanted to have it out with him, he was going to get a piece of my mind. I was tired of all of this. Andy and I exchanged more words, he punched a couple windows out on his mom and dad’s porch, threw his beer bottle at my car, and tried to get my friend out of the car. We took off back to my house, where I started to hyperventilate for about 10 minutes.

Andy showed up 10 minutes after we got back. My friend called the cops, Andy was very drunk, belligerent, and seemingly violent. He took off. Cops came, took a statement. So far, nothing. They want me to get a restraining order on him. I don’t know if I can do it. This isn’t normal.

I’m still a little numb. The last time I saw the clock, it was 5AM. Woke to the alarm at 8. Got very little sleep.

Don’t Be A Lurker…

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December 28, 2008

thats terrible i hope ur ok =o(

December 28, 2008

*Hugs* I hope everything is alright.

December 28, 2008

Sounds like you have some decisions to make. You may not like them but you need to deicide what you are going to do, honey. He can’t keep doing this to you. *HUGS*

December 29, 2008

Sorry to hear that, that happened to you. Hoping that things and decisions gets easier.

December 30, 2008

thanks for the notes you left. It is very much appreciated. And I am sure I will call on you at some point…need friends, especially ones who understand.

March 27, 2009

Yikes, I hope he gets help!