
I’m baaaaack! Well I actually got home Sunday, but this is the first chance I’ve had to write. Had a great time with the fam this weekend!  Andy went and picked up my nephew Brayden on Saturday morning, and that was what couldn’t be said in the last entry. Due to family drama which I will not get into at the moment…

Anywho… Andy dropped Brayden off around 10am, then the kids had a snack while I loaded everything into the car and we left here around 11am I think. Stopped for gas and met Andy at the hospital to get Brayden’s stuff out of the Surburban. He was at the hospital because he had to take Amanda there for an Xray, since she got into a fight with her cousin and felt the need to punch the doorjamb. Which was smart, since the alternative was to punch her cousin in the face and wind up in jail. Long story short, she broke her hand.

Got up to Mom & Dad’s around 2:30 or so and got everything out of the car. After being there for a half hour or so, I left the kids with Mom so I could go drop a computer off at my dad’s shop, get a Raspberry and Hazelnut Latte, and run to Wal-Mart to pick up some stuff. When I got back, Dad was home and we all hung out and had dinner and the kids got to open a present. Then they got to open one more before bedtime.

Once bedtime rolled around, Mom & I left the kids with Dad and we headed to the casino, per our usual when I go up there. Since it was my birthday month, I got to do a free spin and I won 2 rolls of quarters, which is 10 bucks. YAY! Mom and I went and got a couple drinks and played lotsa slots. Over the next 2 or 3 hours, I won some and lost some, and had a blast hanging with my Mom. Of course, I ALWAYS have fun with her, but still, this was special since I hadn’t seen her since about Easter. I think I left the casino with $50 in winnings, which is about $10 less than I started with. Not sure, but I think so.

Went to bed when we got back, and Kayla decided that 5:30am was a great time to wake up, considering I didn’t get to sleep til about midnight I think. It was worth it though! Dad came and grabbed Kayla for me and told me to go back to sleep til 8 or whenever the other 2 got up. Which was about 7:30. Mom made waffles and sausage for breakfast. Got the futons put away and the living room cleared and it was present time! The kids had a blast! We let them open theirs first, and to be fair, we had Brayden open one, then Alexis open one, then Kayla open one, then back to Brayden and so on and so forth until they were done.

And since I took so many pictures, I will only be posting a few of the present opening, since it would take 2 or 3 entries if I tried posting them all. Here ya are!

The kids messing around in the kitchen

Kayla ready to eat Chrisgiving Dinner

Saturday night presents

Brayden and his Hot Wheels Car Carrier

Alexis and her Mrs. Potato Head

Kayla’s new Puppy

My Friends Season 3!!!

Grandpa hanging with the grandkids

A few of the Sunday morning presents

Kayla staring at Brayden’s Hot Wheels racing thing

And the fire

All the girls’ gifts


And btw, that City Boutique is a pop-up thing, and it’s HUGE! LOL

Don’t Be A Lurker…

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December 19, 2007

sounds like they had a fun holiday

December 19, 2007

Aww how fun!! (and cute!)

December 19, 2007

great pics 🙂

December 23, 2007

Cute pictures. Friends rock.

December 24, 2007

The boards say today is your birthday….is that right? If it is, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! And Merry Christmas!