Bullet Stuff

Not a lot of time, I will bullet

  • Danny came home Thursday. We all went to his mom’s house and stayed til like, 8:00 pm (got there at 2:30 pm). He leaves again on the 17th and comes back home for good in late July.
  • Didn’t do much Friday, just took Kayla to WIC and stuff. That was fun. Picked up her formula at the grocery store and came home. Stayed home, did nothing.
  • Saturday we dropped the kiddos off at Heather’s around 1:00 pm and chatted with her and Jason for a few. Went grocery shopping and came home.
  • Met at Danny’s mom’s again at 7:00 pm Sat. night. Went to the bar at 8:00 pm for his welcome home party. The bar wasn’t packed, thank god! My claustrophobia would have set it majorly then if it was. Had lotsa fun playing pool and hanging out. Came home at midnight.
  • Sunday we stayed home and Heather dropped the kiddos off around noon. Again, did nothing for the day.
  • Monday I took both girls to the doctor in the morning as they were both hacking coughing. Alexis has croup (AGAIN!), but is coming down the other side of it, so no meds needed besides OTC stuff. Kayla has a bad cold, but is getting better.
  • Did the taxes last night. We’re getting $3200 back from federal and $800 back from state. Wow! But it’s all spent already.

That was my weekend. Alexis want lunch, so I must make food.

Don’t Be A Lurker…

February 20– Kayla 1 month check-up at 9:00 am

February 28– Me 6 week check-up at 9:00 am


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good luck!!!

sorry to hear the girls are sick.

February 6, 2007

hope the girls feel better soon!

February 6, 2007

Hope the girls get better soon. William’s been sniffly for about a month now! Grrrr xxxx

February 6, 2007

Dang, I wish I could get that much back in taxes. I can’t claim my little guy (yet) though because he was born in 2007.

February 7, 2007
February 7, 2007

Yuck, sickness 🙁 I feel ya, honey! xoxo

February 7, 2007

Being sick sucks! I hope everyone feels better soon.