Bullet Entry – 38 Weeks

Decided to do a bullet entry, haven’t done one of those in a while. WARNING! Lots of complaining…

  • 38 weeks today
  • Forgot how sucky the last few weeks of pregnancy are
  • SOOOOOOOOOOOO ready for the baby to come out
  • Crotch, back, hips hurt
  • Can’t sleep very well, keep ending up on my back no matter what I do
  • Can’t put my shoes on myself, Andy has to help me
  • Have to pee every half hour or so
  • Sick of getting kicked in the ribs and having various baby body parts stick out of my stomach
  • Tired of BH contractions since they don’t lead to anything
  • Been cleaning like a mofo (mainly laundry and Lysol-ing everything)
  • Feel like a cow
  • Want to hold my baby so badly!!!!!

That’s it for now. I haven’t taken my 38 week pic yet, might do that later today and post it. Maybe, we’ll see. TTYL!

Don’t Be A Lurker…


January 4– OB check-up 9:00 am

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Congrats on baby #2. Wishing you all the best 🙂

December 30, 2006

*Random noter* Ugh I am so with you!! I’m having a c-section on the 18th with my third boy. I forgot how sucky the end is also. Good luck!

December 30, 2006

Oh man…38 weeks…any day!!! I was looking back at some of my older end-of-pregnancy entries. They were full of “this baby needs to come out NOW” and things of that nature. I, too, had forgotten how bad the last few weeks of pregnancy are. I read Stephy Lynn through her whole pregnancy and she was absolutely MISERABLE at the end also. She is a tiny little thing and had an 8 lb 12 oz baby girl. I don’t know if you read her or not but it’s cool to read all about you guys and know that we’ll all have babies soon!! You were the last to go out of our little “contest”. xoxox

January 1, 2007

I so know what you’re talking about….