Birth Story & Pics

As promised, here is the birth story! And pics at the bottom, of course.

Kayla’s Birth Story

I woke up at 3:15 am on January 17, 2007 thinking I had to pee. I rolled over, and felt a little pop. I sat up and realized my water had broken. I went downstairs to the bathroom, called Andy and told him that I thought my water had broken and that I was going to call the hospital, and I’d call him back when they told me what to do. I called the hospital, and they told me to come in so I could get hooked up to the monitors and make sure the baby was all right. So I called Andy back and told him to get home, but not to speed, because there was no hurry, I told the hospital we’d be there in about an hour or so. This was about 3:35 am. I called Heather and her and Jason came over to keep an eye on Alexis since she was sleeping, and they showed up about 20 minutes later, followed by Andy about 15 minutes after that.

About 4:00 am my contractions started and they were about 7 minutes apart, and only mildly annoying, not painful. We got to the hospital around 4:30 I think, and we were escorted up to the OB department. I was hooked up to the monitors and the nurse asked me questions for the paperwork (she filled it all out, it was pretty nice). My cervix was checked at about 5:00 am, and I was still only dilated to 1 ½ cm, so no change there for the past couple weeks, but my contractions were about 2 ½ – 3 ½ minutes apart, lasting for about 50-60 seconds. Again, not painful, just annoying.

At 8:00 am, my doctor came in and checked me again and I was dilated for about 3 cm, which he said was good, about a centimeter an hour. I had had a gush of amniotic fluid, and it was clear, which he said was good also.

At 11:00 am, I had about 4 huge gushes of fluid that soaked the bed. The nurse came in and paged the doctor, because my fluid wasn’t clear anymore, it was tinged a light brown and had particles floating in it. My contractions had slowed down and were getting father apart and lasting shorter intervals. My doc was concerned, because it looked like the baby had pooped while still in me, and that’s why my fluid wasn’t clear anymore. At 11:30 am, they started me on Pitocin to get my contractions moving again, which happened IMMEDIATELY. They started getting stronger and stronger and closer together. OUCH!

I tried the labor ball, which helped relieve my back labor some. Andy’s mom was there and she was rubbing my back and helping me try to relax throughout the contractions, which was next to impossible, but it was still nice, as my mom wasn’t able to come down. That was kind of a bummer, but I understood.

By 3:00 pm, my contractions were hurting me something fierce, and I didn’t think I could handle the pain anymore. My back was so sore, my stomach hurt, my legs hurt, and the contractions were coming on 3 in a row with almost no build-up. There was about a 3 minute break and then there were 3 more contractions right in a row. My cervix was checked and I was dilated to about a 6 or 7, and I opted for the intrathecal. I couldn’t handle the pain anymore. It was too much. The anesthesiologist was in surgery, but would be up to administer the pain meds within the half hour I was told.

Andrea showed up with Drake at about 3:45 pm, and the anesthesiologist showed up moments later. As soon as those drugs hit my system, I was golden. I got a few minutes of sleep, which helped a little bit. Andy’s mom left around 4:15 pm to go home and get sleep before she went to work that night, and I called my mom shortly thereafter to let her know that I got the drugs. She told me that my dad said that I’d have the baby at 5:00 pm. I laughed.

At 4:45 pm, I started feeling the contractions again, but only in my cervix, and they weren’t REALLY bad, but a little painful. Well, they built and built and at 5:00 pm, I felt the need to push. The nurse was scrambling and she checked me and sure enough, I was fully dilated and ready to go. Andrea ran out the door and yelled that we needed a doctor and about 3 or 4 nurses ran in with the doctor. I yelled for Andy and he came to my side instantly.

Basically, I pushed twice. Once to test how far she would go, and another to get her out. Her shoulder got stuck, so I had to keep pushing with no break for about a minute and a half, and out she came! The doctor had to suction her lungs with an intebator tube to get the meconium out of her lungs, and then she was okay.

I didn’t tear at all. That’s what amazed me. I didn’t tear with Alexis either, but still, I was amazed. I looked at the time, and it was 5:10 pm when she came out. I guess my dad wasn’t very far off huh? 


Kayla Anne Ziegler, January 17, 2007, 5:10 pm, 8 lbs 9.3 oz, 21 inches

Kayla with Heather


Alexis & Kayla

Andy & Kayla

Andy with Kayla & Alexis

Kayla’s first meal

Andrea, Alexis & Kayla

Kayla & her homecoming outfit

Kayla & Grandpa Rooney (my dad)

Kayla & Grandma Rooney (my mom)
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That’s all the pics for now, I need to get a few more of me and Kayla as there is only one so far. But I’m always the one taking the pics, so it’s kinda difficult as Andy hates cameras!


Don’t Be A Lurker…


January 31– Kayla 2 weeks checkup at 9:00 am

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You have two very beautiful little girls there. Congratulations on everything, glad the birth went smoothly.

January 24, 2007

Wow this is SO weird! I had a little girl on the 12th, her dads name is Andy, my moms birthday was on the 17th and my sisters name is Kayla! Talk about a coinkydink! Congratulations =)

January 24, 2007

random noter- your girls are gorgeous

aww so cute

January 24, 2007

so awesome! I almost teared up reading it and then seeing her so small! I adore that ‘first meal’ pic. I wish we’d taken one of those of De’s! Just beautiful, honey! Boy, dont you just love the intrathecal? thats what I had the first round of drugs they gave me having De and by that point I was in heaven for them because I had suffered through a whole day without anything. When it hits, it only takes a second but boy its a relief!

January 24, 2007

wow look at that blond hair

January 24, 2007

I have a cousin named Kayla Anne…good choice of name, lol She’s beautiful! Congrats!

January 24, 2007

sooo cute!

January 24, 2007

congratulations. 😀

January 24, 2007

Congrats once again. Hopefully, I will be able to have a wonderful labor like that. 🙂

January 24, 2007

Lovely story! And she is adorable xxx

January 25, 2007

congratulations 🙂 she’s beautiful!

January 25, 2007

What great story! 🙂 Your girls are angels and look soooo much alike. Congratulations!!

January 25, 2007

Congratulations! She’s quite a beauty 🙂

January 25, 2007

those are great! she’s so pretty, and i love her blanky!

January 25, 2007

congratulations~ they’re both adorable

January 26, 2007

What a cutie pie! Congratulations! =]

January 26, 2007

very beautiful, again. When my Sam was born, they gave him the same blanket as they gave your daughter 🙂

January 26, 2007

random noter: Sounds like a very nice labor/delivery. Congratulations, you have two adorable girls. 🙂

January 26, 2007

Saw you on the front page! She’s BEAUTIFUL! Congrats!

January 26, 2007

Aww congrats!!

February 8, 2007

random noter; your daughter is so cute… and big! Congratulations