Better & Pics

Well, I’m doing better today. If you don’t know what I mean, there’s a FO entry back one. For some reason, I’m not as stressed today, I woke up feeling kinda numb, but it’s ebbed away now. I know that we will get through this, and we’ll be okay. I told my mom last night, so she knows what’s going on. I just feel bad because she and dad have a lot on their plates right now, what with their businesses and Dad also helping with construction stuff, plus Mom’s not been feeling the best and she just had a bunch of bloodwork done, I didn’t want to bother them with this. It was unavoidable though, and I hate keeping secrets from them. It just ends up biting me in the ass if I do. And I totally forgot my dad’s birthday on the 8th of this month, I feel really bad about that. But I’m going to be sending him an email in a bit and I’m going to find a really funny ecard to send to him too. Hopefully that will make up for it. I was going to take the girls up there next weekend to see them, but now I don’t know if I will be able to. I just don’t have the money right now. It sucks big time. Grrr…

Anyways, enough with the sadness and whatnot. I have pictures from the past month to show you all! Lots of Kayla and some of Alexis. For some reason Alexis has been avoiding the camera lately, hiding her face behind anything she can find. It’s kinda weird, because she’s always been my little ham. Oh well, it will end eventually.

Update on the girls? Sure!

Alexis is being a PITA lately, I think she feels the tension in the house, which doesn’t surprise me. Kids feel emotions a lot easier than adults do. She’s also trying to revert back to being a baby. She doesn’t wanna use the potty anymore, she tells me she’s a baby, and it’s kinda unnerving. I know a lot of it is her age, she’s stuck between being a baby and a big girl, and she just wants the attention of a baby. She wants to be held all the time, she wants me to feed her now because she sees me feeding Kayla and rocking her. But I’ve been trying to show her how much stuff she can do that Kayla can’t, like eating yummy peanut butter muffins, running around, staying up a little later, playing in the pool, riding a bike, walking with me and seeing all kids of cool stuff, and in a couple years, going to school. Hopefully she’ll get out of this soon, she’ll be 3 in 6 weeks. EEK!

Kayla is almost 7 months now, and she’s such a chunk! I love it! She loves to eat, but she’s not so crazy about the bottle and formula anymore. She’d rather eat baby food, which is fine, but she still needs the nutrition that her formula gives her. She’ll eat about 3-4 6 oz bottles during the day, and an 8 oz one at night. Plus she eats about 1/2 cup of cereal or fruit in the morning, sometimes she’ll eat some cereal at lunchtime, and she’ll eat about 1/2 cup veggies in the evening. She goes crazy when she sees me heating up her food or mixing her cereal, she starts smiling and laughing and banging her high chair, it’s highly amusing. She’s also gotten her second tooth in, the lower right one, about 2-3 days after she got her first one. I think she’s working on her top teeth now. She also started crawling just the day before yesterday, and she’s getting everywhere! I love it!

Now for pictures everyone! Enjoy!

The other half of our living room after the piano got sold and the guy came and picked it up

Danny’s cake for his Welcome Home party

Danny and his wife and kids

My first attempt at Cinnamon Bread, turned out pretty good

Alexis & Danny beating each other with a blow-up bat and a blow-up hammer at the St. Croix County Fair

Kayla’s first two teeth

Alexis playing in a puddle

Kayla grabbing Alexis’s diaper after spanking her 🙂 Ah, sisterly love


Well, that’s all for now! Gotta get some stuff done while Kayla’s still napping. Good thoughts everyone!!!!!

Don’t Be A Lurker…

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August 10, 2007

I’m glad you are doing better. Money problems can ruin a day in a heartbeat. Just ask me! LOL Your girls are just getting so big and more beautiful by the day! I love all those pics. The rain has been awful, hasn’t it? That’s one huge puddle! xoxo

August 10, 2007

Glad you are feeling better today! Oh I saw it said you were at the St. Croix County fair..Do you live in WI? Or just another St. Croix County?

August 10, 2007

I grew up in Somerset, went to school in River Falls and now live in Amery..Good Ol’ Wisconsin

August 10, 2007

Awesome pictures! And that cake looks delicious.

August 10, 2007

I am not on F list, I feel slighted… LOL

August 11, 2007

too cute!!

August 11, 2007

I’m so sorry you guys are going through a hard time right now. But, I do believe you will get through it! Everyone has times like this, at one point or another. Alexis has such pretty hair…I LOVE the color of it!

August 12, 2007

Aww the girls are so cute! Avery’s teeth are about to break through any minute. Can’t see the last entry so **hugs** glad things are better, whatever they are.