Ask Me… Answered


… anything. Anything at all. I will answer any and all questions honestly and to my best ability.


1. Do you want any more kids? At the moment? No. If we didn’t have the dreaded twin gene/factor every generation, I don’t think I’d mind having one more. But I KNOW I couldn’t handle having two infants at the same time, not with 2 older kids. We got lucky with our girls being single pregnancies, and we’re happy with that. If someone could guarantee that I wouldn’t have twins, I would do it again.

2. What is the hardest thing about being a mum? Less time to myself. Don’t get me wrong, I love spending time with my girls, but there are times when I want to just be alone for a half hour. It’s hard to do that with a 2 1/2 year old and a 8 week old.

3. What is your favourite takeout? Chinese, definately! I love it, would eat it all the time if I could.

4. Most embarassing moment, ever? Uhhhh… off of the top of my head? Puking in the middle of the Mall of America. It was because I was getting my period and I had been eating those sour apple gummy stick things. Can’t think of what they are called right now. But yea, add a belly full of those plus cramps and a bumpy car ride to the mall, and you get a puke fest. Ugh…

5. Have you ever visited London? No, but I would love to.

6. Where is the one place you would really like to visit in the world? Hrmmm… Probably most of Europe. I’d love to be able to visit France and Italy and Germany and Spain.

7. Do you lurk on anyone’s diaries? (I do!!!) Sometimes, I try not to, but it’s hard enough keeping up with everyone’s diaries plus trying to note them. So I don’t note every entry most of the time, usually just one or two.

8. How many kids do you have? What are their ages? Names? I have 2 kids, both girls. Alexis is 2 1/2 and Kayla is 8 weeks old.

9. What is your favorite comfort food? Mashed potatoes and Doritos. Or Doritos and cottage cheese. Not kidding either, just get a bowl of potatoes or cottage cheese, and scoop it with the Doritos. Works best with the Nacho Cheese ones. Yum!

10. How often do you and Andy have sex? Not often enough. He works nights, so he sleeps most of the day. And the girls are on different schedules, when one sleeps, one’s awake, or they’re both awake. So the only time we usually have sex is on the weekend. So, maybe once a week, twice if we’re lucky?

11. What’s your favorite color? It’s a tie between blue and purple. I use to love blue when I was younger, but now it’s kinda converted to purple.

12. Do you have any pets? Not at the moment, but I am getting 2 cats this weekend from my mom.

13. Are you religious? No. I was baptised Catholic, but never confirmed, and I’m not planning on it. I believe in God, but I really don’t have a religion. The only times I usually go to church are for weddings, funerals and baptisms.

Keep the questions comin!

Don’t Be A Lurker…

March 20– Kayla 2 month check-up & shots 9:00 am

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