Apples & Bees*E*

I’ve got two apple trees in my backyard, and I love them, but the one tree closest to my house has produced a LOT of apples this year. The dry summer has weakened the tree limbs and so the apples are falling off of the trees in bunches. With the recent rain we had, they are falling off in DROVES. What does this mean? BEES! I need to pick up the apples to the kids don’t get to them, but how do I do it so the bees don’t get to me? There are TONS of bees all over the trees and grass and sidewalk since the apples are there. I don’t want to get stung, but I have to pick the apples up and get rid of them so the kids don’t get stung. Should I wait until night-time to do it? Do bees sleep? I just don’t know how to get rid of the apples without a bunch of bees trying to sting me. Any advice???


I guess I should mention that I will be picking them up and moving them to my neighbor’s backyard. He has a few deer in the woods behind his house, so instead of throwing them in the garbage, I put them in his backyard to feed the deer. So I don’t want to use a poisonous spray to get the bees away. I think I will do it at night, because even though bees don’t sleep (apparently that’s what the NET says), they do return to their hives at night. So once the kiddos are asleep tonight I will be turning on the yard light and porch light and picking them up. Funfunfun…

Don’t Be A Lurker…

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August 24, 2007

*random noter* I don’t know anything about bees except that they don’t like smoke… but I would think to wait ’til night to do it.

August 24, 2007

i hate bees…like its almost a phobia… so i cant tell you anything

August 24, 2007

if you’re just throwing the apples away, you could use bug spray. spray the area as quickly as possible, then run! then you probably should still wait until night time to clean up. good luck

August 24, 2007

I think night time would be best. And if it is true what the one noter said about smoke…maybe it is the same for fog? I know they make little cans of fog you can spray that get rid of flies…maybe that could work, too? Because, if something can get fliles to go away (even for a little while), it’s got to do something for bees!!

August 24, 2007

i’m terified of bees..we had apple trees where i used to live and i hated it! the bees were awful and were really agressive 😛 good luck in getting rid of them! mel

August 24, 2007

the don’t like smoke, so fin a cigarette and light it and carry it with you…..that way you hopefully won’t piss them off

August 24, 2007

I would make sure to wear as much cloths as possible. in case they do come after you and find something you can keep you head and most your face covered. (ya know for protection) and then at the first BZZZZ RUN!

August 24, 2007