Anniversary, Baby

Today is mine and Andy’s 6 year anniversary! We’ve been together officially for 6 years now. It’s crazy! We’ve only been married for 3 1/2, but still! Time flies by doesn’t it?

The baby is driving me nuts! She’s constantly moving around and poking me and bringing me pain. I think she’s doing twists and turns in there. I feel her rolling around and it’s so uncomfortable. She must hit a nerve every once in a while, because all of a sudden I’ll get a sharp quick pain that goes to my pelvis. It may be brief, but it hurts! 11 more days of this? Goodness, I hope not.

Yes, I realize I’ve been doing a lot of complaining lately, and I should just be happy that she’s active and healthy and all of that, but I just want her out! I want to hold her so badly it hurts! My next doctor’s appointment is in 2 days, and I can’t wait! Hopefully he’ll tell me something new, but not likely. At my last appointment I was just softening, but my cervix is high and pretty much closed still, and her head was able to leave my pelvis pretty easily. Grrr. I wish I would just dialate or something!!!

So sorry guys, but more than likely the entries I write from now until she’s here will probably be full of whining and complaining. If you don’t like it, tough. Don’t read it. Oh yeah, and I’ll probably be really irritated (already starting to be) til she’s here. The BH contractions are really taking a toll on my mind and I’m going crazy!

Anywho, enough complaining for now. Again, sorry for the whininess…

Don’t Be A Lurker…



January 4– OB check-up 9:00 am

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January 2, 2007

Happy Anniversary!!! Our 6 year one will be in June. I can’t believe it’s been so long. I don’t think I could get through an entry lately without whining and complaining about the end of pregnancy. Complain away…I feel your pain! LOL

January 2, 2007

Hey! 🙂 ryn: my boys are in different districts because Quinn (my 10 year old) is Hearing Impaired and his school has the only HI program in our county. They are such a great group there. He’s been with the same kids since preschool 🙂

January 2, 2007

Honestly this is the worst part of the pregnancy… the waiting! But you’ll miss it once she’s here! Take care sweetie.. not to much longer!

January 2, 2007

Happy 6 year anniversary!

January 2, 2007

Happy Anniversary! I was thinking about having a third child. But being reminded of the utter discomfort makes me want to wait until I forget about it again. It will all be over soon. Hopefully. Remember, things can change very quickly when it comes to going into labor. Lets hope it does for you. Cheers, happy new year and congrats on six years.

January 2, 2007

Happy Anniversary! Complain all you want..I know the feeling, I’m uncomfortable right now at 29 weeks, I can’t imagine how I’ll be when I’m 38 weeks..

January 2, 2007

Happy Annv. So do you have names picked out yet? Shawn and I seem to pick them out way early and pretty much stick to them.

January 3, 2007

Wow, you are so close! =D I still have 9 weeks! Happy Anniversary, too! My hubby and I celebrated our 6 years of being together this past fall! 😉

January 4, 2007

6 years!! That is awesome!