




Ok, I think I feel a little bit better. Too much shit going on, I just can’t deal with it all. Well, I can, but it’s really hard.

Kayla’s sick, kept me up last night, maybe got 3 hours of sleep max. She’s got an ear infection in both ears plus a slight chest/lung infection. She’s on anitbiotics and nebs for about a week. Funfun. She’s actually sleeping right now which is good, I think she may actually sleep all night tonight. I ended up having to bring her into bed with me last night because she kept waking up ever half hour or hour, and she still did it when I brought her to bed until about 3am when she finally fell asleep for 3 hours straight. Took her to Urgent Care this morning and that’s when she got her antibiotics.

Andy and I have been getting along great lately, until tonight that is. Andy told me last night that if I wanted him to take Alexis today so that I could nap if/when Kayla napped to catch up on sleep then he would. So I called him around 11am and he said he’d come get her. He was here for about a half hour or hour or so and he got called into work for a few hours. Luckily, Margie came over shortly after he left so she helped with with Alexis. Since Andy ended up working til around 6, he said he’d take Alexis for the night since tomorrow’s her birthday and we’re going to be over at his mom and dad’s anyways.

He came after work and picked her up, and as they are leaving, I noticed there was someone in the front seat. I texted him and asked who was with him, and he didn’t answer. So I texted him again, still no answer. Finally I called him and he told me it was Amanda, a girl he works with, and someone I think may be the reason that we’re not together anymore, even though he says they’re just friends and blahblahblah… I got pissed! I told him that I didn’t want Alexis or Kayla introduced to anyone new yet, especially her! He deliberately went against my wishes, which shows complete disrespect. He totally brushed it off when I got mad and acted like I was overreacting. He hung up on me so I texted him and told him to call me back or to bring Alexis back home. He called me back. We talked and I ranted and raved for a few minutes, then I told him my phone was dying and that we’d have a nice talk tomorrow. And yeah, we WILL be talking tomorrow.

Since I don’t know this girl, and she’s around my kids, that pisses me off. Plus, he didn’t even tell me she was with him when he came to pick up Alexis! He said I just must not have seen her and that it’s not his fault I didn’t see her. That made me even more irritated. I told him that since he didn’t tell me, he lied to me! It’s a lie of omission and that I can’t trust him. And if I can’t trust him, he can’t have the kids. He said he wants the kids, so I told him to use his head and show some respect to my wishes when it comes to our kids. He may think of their physical well-being, but I think of their emotional well-being. It’s too soon to be introducing Alexis to someone new, especially since Andy’s not living here anymore and she’s still trying to process that, and she’s at that age where she becomes attached SO easily, and what happens if in another month or so this girl isn’t around? She’ll be heart-broken. I can’t have her going through that.

So that’s why I did the big ARGH! And I love my avatar: STRESS: When the body can no longer fight the urge to choke the living shit out of some asshole who really deserves it. It’s so true.

Anywho… I better get to bed. So tired! So mad… Night!

Don’t Be A Lurker…

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September 22, 2007

I’d be pissed too! Give him heck tomorrow!!

September 24, 2007

OMG I’d be livid!!