A lil bit of everything

I have inherited another rugrat everyone! Well, every other week for 4 days a week I have inherited her anyways. I’m going to be watching Kennedy starting next week from 2:30 pm-11:30 pm until Heather and Jason can find a day care for 2nd shift that they can afford. But that’s okay, I could use the extra cash. So I get to have 3 girls every other week. Kennedy’s here just for tonight this week because her mom’s mom died and so her mom is currently in Montana, but will be returning tomorrow. Alexis having fun playing with her and stuff, they act like sister’s sometimes, yelling at each other. It’s pretty amusing.

In other news… Kayla’s cord fell off this morning! YAY! So happy! Her belly button is really cute now! Not that it wasn’t cute before, but it looks so much better without the bloody stump. Ew…. I really hated cleaning that thing out every day, she would scream because she hated it too, and it just broke my heart every time I had to do it. Poor girlie, but no more of that, thank goodness.

We go in for Kayla’s 2 week check-up on Wednesday, so that should be interesting. I’m interested to see how much she weighs now, since she had already gained half her weight back by her 2 day discharge check, and she eats like a piggy! Seriously guys, she eats anywhere from 3-4 ounces every 3-4 hours! Sometimes she eats 5 ounces! Guess she loves her food huh?

My milk is really starting to dry up now. I pumped this morning at about 9:30 or so, and I only got a total of 3 ounces, and I haven’t pumped since, and it’s almost 7:00 pm. A couple more days, and my milk should be totally dried up. That means I get to sleep on my tummy again, woohoo!!! Tomorrow will probably be Kayla’s first full-formula day. We go into WIC on Friday for her check-up and my check-up.

I get to be weighed twice this week also. Once at Kayla’s 2 week check-up, and once at WIC on Friday. Fun fun. I get to see how much weight I lost, considering I only gained 12 lbs during my entire pregnancy. I feel a lot skinnier now, more skinny than even BEFORE I got pregnant. I actually have a waist! A DEFINED waist at that. I haven’t had a defined waist since…. uhhh… about 4 years ago. It’s so nice to have that feeling again.

Oh! Now I remember what I wanted to type in the last entry. Danny gets back in the states on Wednesday, and he’ll be back HOME Thursday for 2 whole weeks! Then he goes back to Iraq til July, which sucks, but hey, at least he’ll be home for a couple weeks! Yay! We’re all excited to see him, it seems like it’s been forever. We’re all going out Saturday night to celebrate him being home and alive and safe, so the kiddos are going to Heather’s for the night. I dunno how I’ll handle that, Kayla only being 2 1/2 weeks old and gone for the whole night. Andy says he’ll keep me sane tho. He said he’ll keep me from calling Heather and checking on Kayla every hour. I’ll limit myself to 2 calls Saturday and 1 on Sunday before we pick the kids up. Think I can do it? I hope so…

Anywho… the kids want me to color with them and so I must be off! But I will leave you with a couple of pics first! They’re from my phone, so they kinda suck, but oh well. Enjoy!


Me kissing Kayla

Me & Kayla (yeah, I look like crap, no sleep really the night before, and I didn’t want Andy to take the pics. Oh, and yes, I do have hair, it’s just back in ponytail.)

Kayla sleeping today in my arms

Don’t Be A Lurker…


January 31– Kayla 2 weeks checkup at 9:00 am

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January 29, 2007

What a precious baby! Mine is nine months old now…I can’t believe she was ever that small!!

January 29, 2007

Aww 🙂 She’s precious! And you look great! I was just asked to attend a “girls night out” at the end of february and I’m still debating it cause Avery will only be 6 weeks old then. I don’t know if I could leave him for that long.

She’s so pretty!

January 29, 2007

Oh my goodness she is sooooo precious! And wow..I can’t believe she is almost 2 weeks old. Where does time go? xoxo

shes beautiful! glad everything is going well!

January 29, 2007

Love the pics… I haven’t even let Savanna stay over night at someone’s house yet… I am too overprotective :S

January 29, 2007

She is just adorable!

January 30, 2007

She’s so beautiful! And YAY for having a waist! Mine is still missing…..:-( xxx