8 Months, Random Stuff

Kayla is 8 months old today! Wow… And Alexis will be 3 years old on Sunday! It’s craziness! My babies are growing up right before my eyes, I can’t believe it. Yikes. I feel old.

Here are Kayla’s 8 month milestones. She crawls, pulls to stand, cruises really good around the furniture, seeks out hidden objects, LOVES peekaboo, says "mama" and "baba" (no "dada" yet, we’re working on that one), passes objects from hand to hand, she’s starting to work with finger foods like fruit puffs and biter biscuits, jabbers like a little birdie, and smiles a whole lot. She’s such a good girl, I love her to pieces!

Alexis is acting better. The naughtiness is calming down and slowly going away. Thank goodness. The girls wrestle a lot and it’s so funny to watch. I wish I had a camcorder so I could show you and you could HEAR them. It’s hilarious! Kayla will sit on the floor and Alexis will lay across her legs and Kayla will just start lightly smacking Alexis in the belly and pull her hair. Alexis just lays there and laughs and laughs. I love it!

Now for me. I am doing MUCH better nowadays. Andy and I are basically okay with the situation. Nothing has really changed between now and a month ago, we just don’t live together or sleep together. He stops by and sees the girls and plays with them and feeds them and changes their diapers. That’s a big change from before. A good change though. He came over today and mowed the lawn for me and spent a couple hours with the kids which was nice. He actually took them Friday night to spend time with them and I went out with some friends for Dam Days, so I actually got to go out and relax and have fun and see people I haven’t seen in a while. I actually saw some classmates of mine that I haven’t seen in about 4 years. I had lotsa fun.

Went to Andrea’s on Saturday for Hunter’s 3rd birthday party, stayed there for a few hours hanging out with everyone, then I went to Heather’s for dinner and we watched a couple movies. The kids fell asleep so they just stayed the night and Heather dropped them off on Sunday morning. Took them to the parade on Sunday. We ended up getting there late so we didn’t get a good spot for the kids to see the parade and get candy and stuff, but it was nice to just be out with the kids and my friends. Popped up to Andy’s mom and dad’s afterwards and hung out there for a few hours so the kids could see Andy and Carol and Keith.

My weekend was kinda long but it was very enjoyable. I’m glad Andy and I are getting along right now. Like I said, it seems like nothing’s changed between us except that we don’t live together or sleep together. And he’s taking care of the kids more, which helps me out and gives me a few breaks.

I’m driving one of Andrea and Fred’s cars right now until either Andy figures out what’s wrong with the Grand Am (it keeps dying when it idles or when you slow down to stop) or I get a different car. I hate borrowing cars from people that aren’t family, and even though Andrea’s pretty much family, I still don’t like to do it, but it’s kinda necessary at the moment. Hopefully I’ll be able to give it back to her pretty soon.

Anywho… I suppose I should end this and head up to bed. I have some pics to post but I need to upload them from my camera first, maybe I’ll do that tomorrow or the next day. So look for a pic entry next!

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