5:42 am

It’s 5:42 am, Kianna just got here 10 minutes ago and is napping at the moment… so I’m kinda bored. Kayla’s still sleeping, and Alexis and Kennedy are still sleeping. I think I should be sleeping, but more than likely, I’d fall asleep and the instant I do, someone wakes up. Gr. So here I am.

I can’t wait til tomorrow! Well, tomorrow afternoon to be exact. We’ll be on our way to the Dell’s for the weekend. YAY! And I’m not pregnant this year so I can go down the waterslides! Hehehe… Didn’t get to do that last year, seeing as how I was due with Kayla in a month.

Heather will be here sometime this morning to pick up Alexis and Kennedy, since they are heading down there first thing tomorrow morning to get maximum time in the waterparks. Carol and Keith will be bringing Kayla down there tomorrow around 11am, since it’ll be her naptime and I have Kianna til 2:30. Then we’ll be going around 3pm I think. Sounds like fun huh? It will be!

Oh! I forgot to mention… Kayla got her 7th tooth in on Tuesday! YAY! It’s on the bottom left. And it’s sharp! Hehehe… But… she’s also got asthmatic bronchitis. I had to take her and Alexis in on Monday because Kayla had been coughing for about 3 days, and Alexis had a really bad cough Sunday night, it sounded like croup for Alexis, and I know Kayla had bronchitis. Alexis does not have croup though. More than likely just a bad cold. And Kayla had a chest x-ray, and was determined that her bronchitis was asthmatic. Same thing Lex had about that age. I took them in as a procautionary measure, and I wanted to make sure it wasn’t anything really bad so they could have a good time this weekend.

So they are both on Pulmicort nebs in the morning and at night for a couple more days, and Kayla was on antibiotics for the infection in her lungs for 3 days. The doctor said we caught it just in time. Normally I don’t take them in for a cough unless it’s a) horribly bad or b) it lasts for more than a week. I’m glad I took her in early this time, since if I had waited, it could have gotten MUCH worse. We caught it in the beginning stages. Thank goodness.

Anywho… it is now 5:51am, and Kianna has decided she doesn’t want to sleep anymore. GOTTA GO!

Don’t Be A Lurker…


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December 6, 2007

I hope the girls feel back to 100% really soon! Have fun at the waterparks!

December 6, 2007

Seventh tooth?! Wow – Cam is still working on his 7th! I’m expecting it any day now! Hope Kayla feels better soon!

December 10, 2007

Yikes-you get me so excited and looking forward to when we have our baby! Tehehe-just kidding!