3 Months, Sick kiddos, 75th party, freezer

First of all… Kayla’s 3 months old today! It’s crazy! I can’t believe 3 months have gone by already, it seems like yesterday! I will take a picture and post it later today or tomorrow for ya’ll to see my big girl!

Okay, I’ve been laxing on the whole writing thing, I know. Been kinda rar and blah lately. Been spending some time outside since it’s finally over 40 out! Woohoo! Girls are sick, mainly because of the weather. Kayla is adjusting to the pollen and stuff so her body is trying to fight it and she’s just congested as all hell. Alexis, well, we’re not sure what’s wrong with her. Yesterday she had a hacking cough all day, and was very tired. Checked on her when Kayla woke up last night at 12:30, and her temp was 103.7 auxilliary. AGH! I called the ER and they told me to give her some Motrin, a tepid bath, and recheck her temp in an hour and call them back. Did all that, Alexis didn’t want to get in the tub so I gave her a tepid sponge bath. Rechecked her temp at 1:30, and it was down to 101.1 auxilliary. Called the ER back and they told me to give her Tylenol and recheck in an hour. Did that, checked it at 2:30 and it was down to 98.3. Wow, was I relieved.

I checked her temp at 6:00 this morning and it was normal, and I’ve been checking it every hour under her arm to make sure it doesn’t spike again. If it does, I’ll be heading to the ER. The ER also told me last night that if she’s got a fever and is complaining of a sore throat then to bring her in immediately. So I get to watch out for that. Needless to say, I didn’t get much sleep last night. MAYBE 4 hours. That’a about it. Kinda tired today… Oh well, it happens.

Saturday we went to St. Paul for Andy’s grandpa’s 75h birthday party at J.R. Mac’s Grill and Pub. It was pretty fun. Andy’s cousin Barbie tried to get me drunk, which wouldn’t take much. If I had had one more drink, I would have been. She’s hilarious when she’s drinking though, she cracks me up. Stopped by Best Buy on our way out of the cities and ordered my freezer! Yay! Heather and I are going to go pick it up Friday with her van and Andy’s going to stay home with the girls. Woohoo! I can’t wait! It’s a Frigidaire 7.2cu ft chest freezer, just the one I wanted, for $217. Is it sad that I’m excited about a freezer? Hehehe… Oh well, I don’t care, think what you want about me, I’m happy. Ever since we picked up the fridge that we have now, we haven’t had enough freezer space since we had a side-by-side before and now it’s a top/bottom fridge. So not enough freezer space.

Anywho… Kayla’s fussing, so I gotta go suck the boogies out of her nose. Again. Sounds like fun, doesn’t it? She hates it… Toodles!

Don’t Be A Lurker…

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April 17, 2007

I hope they feel better soon 🙂

April 17, 2007

3 months old!!!!!!!!!! 🙂

April 17, 2007

wow happy 3 months 🙂 heheh i love 3 months. the whole first year is my fave. but 3 months they start to shine so much brighter.