11 More Pictures

<—————————— 12 pics thataway


These pics are of the girls the other day playing outside. They are from my actual camera, so they don’t suck quite as bad.

Kayla outside in her bouncer (it was like, 66 degrees out! Yes, I see there’s snow, but it was actually warm outside!)

Alexis & Kennedy (Alexis in green jacket, Kennedy in purple)

Alexis showing off on her slide : )

Took the girls for a walk, took a pic of our shadows (I’m on the right with Kayla in the snuggli on my chest, Alexis in the middle, Kennedy on the left)

We had a lot of flooding this past week, due to a lot of snow melting in such a short time. I took a few pics, thought you’d like to see them, they will be in the next entry.

Don’t Be A Lurker…

March 20– Kayla 2 month check-up & shots 9:00 am

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Love it! Such cute girls!