
So bored. I have the boys today because Colleen couldn’t find anyone to babysit, as all of her babysitters are busy today and she needs to go to work. So I told her that I would watch them if she absolutely needed someone. I like to keep my weekends for my time with the girls. With JUST the girls. I haven’t had a full day with JUST them in about 2 weeks.

Last weekend they were with Carol and Keith, so I didn’t have a day with just them since the weekend before that. Heather took the girls Friday night to see the Bee Movie, and brought them back yesterday afternoon, and I watched Kennedy for Heather and Jason last night, and Andy picked up the girls today to spend the day with them. So no full day with just the girls and I in a while.

I’m not complaining about other kids being here or taking the girls and spending time with them, it’s just that I miss being able to just snuggle with them all day and not have to worry about another kid or be bored because they aren’t here. Ya know what I mean?

On another note, I got a lot of cleaning done yesterday before Heather dropped the kids off. I swept upstairs and downstairs, vacuumed upstairs and downstairs, dusted the whole house, cleaned my stovetop, washed all the dishes in the sink, and wiped off all the counters (even moved everything so the whole counter was clean). Plus I washed 2 loads of the girls’ clothes, washed all of Alexis’ bedding, and washed a load of towels. And just a bit ago when I knew they boys were napping (still are actually), I turned on the baby monitor and went outside and raked up all the leaves and apples into a big pile so that when I get some BIG lawn and leaf bags I can bag them up and the kids aren’t slipping on them when they run around outside (wow, that was a VERY long sentence, lol).

Since it’s such a nice day out, I think we’ll take another walk when the boys wake from their naps and have a snack. We tried to take a nice long walk about a half hour after they got here, but halfway into our walk, Isaac needed to go potty so we had to turn around and come home. They were both pretty tired from playing outside when they got here so we just decided that it was "quiet time", and they fell asleep.

Oop, speaking of which, I think Aiden’s waking up from his nap. Good timing!

Don’t Be A Lurker…

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November 11, 2007
November 15, 2007


November 21, 2007

RYN: Nope, LOL!

November 22, 2007

Hi there! I’ve missed your diary. I’m sorry about your relationship not working out….:-( You sound like you’re being really strong though so that’s good…*hugs* xxxx