1 Day Overdue

Nope, no baby yet. Shocker, I make stubborn babies apparently. It’s all that German and Norwegian that Andy and I have. The baby knows it’s warm and safe and snuggly in my tummy, and that it’s cold outside of it, so she doesn’t wanna come out yet. I guess I’m going to have my patience tested huh? Never a good thing…

Well, the panels are hung! Yay! It looks pretty nice, if I do say so myself, and I do. I’ve got the living room set up how I want it now for when the baby comes, so all is well in that aspect. The house is all ready for baby, we’re just waiting on her.

Went to Andy’s mom’s last night for Bob’s birthday dinner, so that was fun. Had turkey and mashed taters and fruit salad (with pineapple! yum) along with ice cream for dessert. Played some card and dice games for a couple hours, then came home. Had sex, hoping it would get something started, but alas, it did not, considering I’m sitting here typing instead of being in L&D. Oh well, it was fun anyways.

We might go to Red Wing today to see a couple of Andy’s friends. If we do, I wanna stop at the Wal-Mart there and see if they have the baby swing I’m looking for. I found the one I want online, but the one in New Richmond sucks and doesn’t have it. I know the Wal-Mart in Red Wing is better, so hopefully they have it. It’s one of the smaller portable swings, which is nice. We don’t have the room anymore for a full-size swing, and this way, we won’t buy a bouncer. Here’s a pic of the one I want:

It’s nothng fancy, nothing special, but it will do the job. Like I said, small, portable, etc… Has anyone used this? Any comments on it? Good? Bad? Just curious.

Anywho, I’m gonna go walk up and down the stairs a few times. Sounds like fun, doesn’t it? 🙂 You know you wanna walk with me!


Don’t Be A Lurker…



January 18– OB check-up 8:45 am

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January 14, 2007

Hey congragulations. My nephew has the same swing and its fine my sister brings it with her when she brings him over and its really easy to take places. Good Luck!!!!

January 14, 2007

I love that swing! I really wish we’d got one for William! Come on baby…time to come out now!! xxx

January 14, 2007

I havent used that one but we got Mike’s brother one for his little boy that is about the same size (its the ocean wonders one at Walmart). It looks about the same but has a toy or two. Im sure the babe will love it 🙂

January 14, 2007

I had that swing and the only problem is that you cant use if for very long….once my son started trying to sit up (3-4 months) hed grab onto the side rails and get into a sitting position and that would throw the center of gravity off and the swing would started swinging REALLY FAST(like out of control fast)….it freaked me out so bad I threw it away……

January 14, 2007

and check the label…i think its only for up to 15 pounds? and it doesnt recline far enough back for a newborn…they get all squished in an upright position…

January 14, 2007

so what im saying is spend a few extra dollars and get a bigger swing that reclines …..lol