
Wow, 2 entries from me in one day. CaRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAzy! It’s about 10:15 pm, and both the kiddos are sleeping, and I can’t sleep yet cuz I have to pump in about a half hour or so. Fun fun huh? I will be so glad when I don’t have to pump anymore. I can actually go to bed when Kayla goes to bed! Yay!

But, I DO have news! I found this out a few days ago actually, but totally forgot about it until about an hour and a half ago. My SIL Heather is engaged! Yes everyone, the woman who said she was never getting married, never having kids of her own, is getting married in early 2008! She and Jason are getting married when they go on their cruise in the Caribbean. Crazy huh? Wow, I so excited! I knew she’d get married eventually, it was only a matter of time before the right guy came along and wore her down. Now it’s only a matter of time til she’s preggers.

Jason is a really great guy. I know I’ve mentioned him in a few entries, he’s Kennedy’s dad. Alexis loves him, and she’s a good judge of character. Heather told me that if Alexis didn’t like him, he wouldn’t be around, cuz she’s her baby and she knows best. Jason agreed, and said it was because of Alexis liking him that he’s still around. He’s really funny and he’s the perfect match for Heather. I’m so happy for them!

Other than that… nothing really exciting happened today. Alexis is starting to get better with her fits, we actually didn’t have a hard time putting her down for bed tonight. For the past almost week, she’s screamed and cried and flailed about at bedtime. It was getting very irritating, lemme tell ya what. But I think we may have finally broken through to her that acting out won’t get her any good attention. Hopefully anyways…

I thought there was something else I was going to type, but I don’t remember right now. I’ve got MommyBrain, which is almost as bad at PregnancyBrain. I keep forgetting things. Must be lack of sleep or something, I dunno. Oh well. Must not have been important. Night ya’ll!

Don’t Be A Lurker…


January 31– Kayla 2 weeks checkup at 9:00 am

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January 26, 2007

Congratulations on the birth of your daughter! xxx

Your baby girl looks really pretty and you know whats even cooler, my bday is January 17th too. Happy birthday to the both of us.

January 26, 2007

LOL… ugh… nothing is worse then having pregnancy brain/mother brain, right?

January 26, 2007

Aw, yay!

January 26, 2007

Congratulations on your precious new little girl! Children are such a blessing! =)

January 26, 2007

Yup I’m suffering from Pregnancy Brain.