Got my wisdom teeth pulled and lived to tell!

See previous entry for 4th of July pics!
Lesson: Rest and Recover
Yes, Friday was the big anticipitated day and surprisingly, it wasn’t all that bad! I still can’t believe how smoothly it all went and yes I will admit that maybe I over reacted a bit. Ha, imagine that?
The night before surgery Mark and I went out to eat Mexican since I was acting like it was my last supper. As the day got closer I had a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach every time I thought about the surgery, butterflies I guess is what you call it. I did get a little eye-opener when I was takling to a supervisor at work about when she had heart surgery and had to write a will, that conversation put it all into perspective for me and made me realize that what I was going through wasn’t all that bad.
When Friday morning finally rolled around I didn’t have much time to get nervous. I double checked my info a million times, calling the doc’s office with questions, to make sure I was doing all the pre-op things correctly—mouth rinse, antibiotics, etc. As soon as Mark and I got to the doc’s office they were ready for me. I gave Mark a quick kiss and went back to the dentist chair. They went right to work putting an IV in one arm and a blood pressure thingy on the other. They asked how much I weighed and I answered, "108." The last thing I remember is a nurse saying, "I’m going to give you some oxygen through your nose," and with in seconds I was fast asleep. I was woken up as they were taking the oxygen thingy off my nose but I kept closing my eyes. When they finally sat my chair up, I started crying (??) I guess out of fear and instinct. Who knows, but the tears were rolling down my face. They took me to a back room and put me in a big comfy chair with a blanket, Mark was waiting there for me and I kept crying. I vaguely remember asking Mark to pass me another tissue. I remember hearing voices, but don’t have much memory of what was said. The doc came in to check on me, told Mark to cut my pain pills in half because I’m too little to handle all of it, and we were free to go.
My appointment was at 10am and I was at home in bed well before 11:30. Amazing how something that can be done so quickly can cost so much (ahem $1,300 good thing my insurance pulled through. Only $150 out of my pocket).
Mark did a great job taking care of me. I made him promise the night before that if I got grumpy with him, he wouldn’t get grumpy back at me. Neither of us got grumpy so it worked out. I hardly had the energy to catch an attitude even if I wanted. Mark kept track of my medicine times and brought me drinks and soup as needed. How sweet.
I did get sick at one point when I had to take the gauze out of my mouth. Ugh it was disgusting! An hour after I got home the bleeding was supposed to stop and I was told to take the gauze out. I was still a little loopy but went to the bathroom to pull bloody, nasty, yucky things out of my mouth! Ugh it was like spitting out a tampon! I looked in the mirror and saw my teeth and tongue covered in blood. I instantly got sick to my stomach and started sweating. Oh it freaked me out. I put my head in the toilet to puke but my stomach was empty. Mark brought me a wet wash cloth to cool me down and I felt better. The bad feeling didn’t last long, but was distrubing for a moment there.
I stayed in bed most that day and watched movies I recorded on DVR the whole week. It was pretty nice. And the best part of all is I didn’t swell at all! My face looked totally normal most the whole time. Yesterday was a bit puffy but no one could probably tell except for Mark and me. Today my jaw is soar and stiff but I keep trying to stretch it. Smiling and talking a lot hurts, but it’s bearable. I have stitches that are supposed to disapear in a few more days.
I still have pain meds to take, and I thought they would help get me through this dreadful Monday, but they’re just making me sleeping and the day even more dreadful….

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July 13, 2009 my entry a few back about geting my teeth out..sounds almost excatly the same right down to the time!! Except when I woke up from the anasetheticc I vomitted..and did so for hours afterwards..mild allergy to it..and had to drive 5 hours for the surgery. Its been 11 days since they got pulled and the stitches finally let go today on one. Its gross..absolutely gross. Theres justa giant open hole on one side..and the other is just scary, open and right down to the bone..i dont know if thats normal haha. How many did they take out?

July 14, 2009

When I got my wisdom teeth taken out, it wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be! I’m glad Mark took such good care of you!

July 15, 2009

Glad your wisdom teeth experience went well. Mine was pretty bad. I basically reacted pretty horribly to the Percocet I was prescribed as a painkiller and was verrrrry sick to my stomach for about a week. Then they finally discovered that I was allergic to the meds. =/ I, too, cry when I wake up from anesthesia. Weird, isn’t it? I’m usually not even upset…I’m just crying randomly. lol.