The Doll’s House

I often find my cats perched on the windowsill pressing their noses against the glass and looking either wild-eyed and bushy-tailed at the birds, or downright dysphoric.

They want outside. They want outside! THEY WANT OUTSIDE!

They can’t go outside. They’ve been house-spoiled. Nature is no longer natural, and they haven’t enough sense not to become road kill and are far too persnickety to eat anything off the ground or from a garbage can. Not that I want them to.

But I know how they feel. Like Tantalus, they long to touch something that is just beyond their reach. It’s the way I feel about my life. The person that I am looks through the window at the person that I could be and finds she is not content with I am. There is always the dream of the could be, and I am forever looking at her through the window.

I want outside.

I can’t go outside.


"The price of getting what you want, is getting what once you wanted."
~ Dream, from The Sandman

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March 23, 2009

“When all of your wishes are granted many of your dreams will be destroyed” -Marilyn Manson (As he tells it in his autobiography, this quotation was discovered in a fortune cookie) It’s funny, Twiggy has never wanted to go outside. She sits next to an open door and looks but never ventures beyond the threshold even in summer. Weird cat.

March 23, 2009

And here I thought that all cats were just looking for the door into summer. 😛 Oh and by the way: World War Z! :>D