Who Am I

Who have I become?

I have lost myself.. Ever since my best friend Carrie died in October, it is like I lost myself.. Im just numb and in shock all the time.. I dont feel anything.. My anorexia is threating me and my depression is covering me… I try to smile and be whole again but I feel like I have been shattered too many times… I cant be fixed again.. I space out all the time and I sleep constantly and it is like im a body with no soul.. It is like all the life has gone away from me.. I fight to become me again but Im losing… My doctors are threating to put me in the hospital and therapy and im scared to death that Im goin to have to go to a treatment center.. When people ask me questions, my answer is always i dont know.. I dont know anything anymore… I want to find myself again…

Who have I become? 

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