
tomorrow is one year since my best friend died….

i cant stop crying…

here is what i wrote on her facebook wall…

I need you Carrie Mae. I cant believe it has been over a year since I saw you last 🙁 I saw you a couple days before the accident but i didnt get to say hey.. I was texting you later that night though.. I still havent recovered from the shock and pain of losing you. My life is still upside down.. I feel like im fallin apart again.. The closer this week has got to tomorrow, the more i have become depressed and withdrawn again and the more my eyes have burned from tears. Im crying right now as I write this. I dont want tomorrow to come. I wish I could travel back in time and stop you from drivin on that road. We needed you here. The world isnt whole anymore. Im not the same person I used to be. Im hurting and i’ll never be the same. Im gonna try to go out to Wells Hill tomorrow.. But i know you are always with me. You draw me pictures in the clouds and you have saved my life many times.. You are the best guardian angel. I love you so much… ♥ Please come visit me soon.

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