Stupid People

 i honestly hate stupid people who dont know when to shut up… They think they are funny and love to push peoples buttons and they end up crossing a line that does not need to be crossed….

here are some examples from the last few days…

a guy i have known for years has gotten in one of his jerk moods and has been really pushing my buttons lately.. The other day i posted on my facebook about how i love my parents.. He then commented and said "i thought you hate your parents." He was sitting across  from me when he did this… I looked at him and said not funny and deleted it.. 

The next day, I posted something about living in a small town and he commented on it and was cussin and i just deleted it.. He then posted the same thing again.. I wrote back and said that i did not want that on there and to stop cussin on my stuff.. I deleted it again.. Well, he got his friend to send me a friend request and his friend wrote the exact same thing.. I kept deletin the comments but they kept on and kept on… Then his friend got the bold idea to write a status that said what i kept deleting and he had the nerve to tag me in it.. That is what pushed me over the edge.. I deleted and blocked his friend and then i deleted him.. 

He came up to me today and kept trying to talk to me but i kept telling him to leave me alone.. He then decided to keep sending me friend requests because i kept ignoring them so i just made it where he cant send me anymore…

The reason i got mad was because i politely asked him to stop cussing on my stuff and he decided to act like a 2 year old.. Im not gonna sit there and be disrespected.. He needs to grow up and act his age….

Tonight, I was at a friends house and we were all playing Halo.. I was talkin to the guy im talkin to through the mike because he lives in Memphis… This jerk face decides to start hounding me and ryan and saying it is pretty pathetic that he is trying to get laid on Halo and that girls just need to stay off the game.. He started being inappropriate towards me and before i knew it, him and ryan were into it.. I just handed the mike to Trent before I blew up.. It completely killed my night.. Ryan called me later and apologized and he was like "its just part of the game but he is an idiot who was just talkin smack.. " I said i didnt care and that i just wasnt gonna talk anymore online and that i would talk to him between games… 

Ugh i hate stupid people who cant act their age and who show their true maturity… 

They need to grow up and take responsibility and stop trying to put other people down and make other people look stupid!

But i digress, I’m not in a great mood so im headed to bed

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That’s happened to me before. A lot. In my drama class, these boys think it’s all fun and games when they tease me, but I’m not smiling, and they have no idea when to stop.