
slipping further and further…

im slippin deeper and deeper into another depression..

things just keep fallin apart.

my family has no money to our name so i have absolutely no gas in my car or money to go anywhere.. i had to ride to school with friends all week and that makes me feel like such a burden.. i’ve been applying for jobs but i havent caught a break

i argue with my family everyday and im still gettin sick.. my parents wont even let me have a few dollars so i can go to school and look for jobs.. they said i havent done anything to earn it.. 

i’ve been stuck at home for over a week and im feel like im gettin more depressed everyday im stuck here.. im becoming more withdrawn and i cry myself to sleep everynight

i know that it seems like im complaining alot over little things but i dont know how much more i can continue to act like things dont bother me.. 

i need out of this house and i need time with friends

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