Rant #2

Ok so I’m really starting to hate living in a small town…. and here are my reasons

*1. People dont mind their own business and just wanna start drama.. I am so tired of people calling or texting me and saying did you hear about this or what is wrong with so and so.. Leave the dumb high school drama behind and grow the hell up. I keep to myself now because Im so tired of 2 faced talk your business people..

*2. I know everybody… A girl has to have variety in her life but here I know everyone so everyone just sees me as a friend. And now by this age people pretty much have their social circles set in stone.. Me, on the other hand, has always been the social butterfly. I will go talk to anyone and become their friend.. I dont pick sides in battles. I just leave it to the people it is between..

on another note….

Im bored, tired, nauseous, and really wishing i was at the ballfields..

Oh and i wish people would actually text me and give me someone to talk to lol

Love ya’ll 🙂

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