
People dont seem to understand when I say that I dont know how to love because I dont know how to love myself. There was one relationship that lasted on and off for 2 years and i thought that he truly loved me. I stood by his side through alot and always believed in him and I thought we would truly make it.  My world seemed perfect and put together when I was with him. We could sit for hours and just talk about life and I knew this was the guy I wanted to be with forever. Needless to say, he played me. I made a mistake Memorial Day weekend of 2010 and I slept with him. Two days later I get a phone call from a girl who said she has been datin him for over a year. When I called him, she was with him and he took her side. He denied ever having anything with me and said that I was crazy and needed to stop makin things up. I havent heard from him since that day and sometimes I wish I could just get one more call or text. I want closure in my life from him. I feel like everytime my life was piecing back together, he would come back and shatter me again. I’m haunted by the night that I let him win his game. As I thought more about it, I realized that I did have alot of feelings for him, but at the same time I was in love with the feeling of being in love. I’m scared to love again because I cant take that amount of hurt again. I dont trust people anymore until they earn it. I feel like he just saw me as a game but I dont know. When i met him, I was the center of his world. we were always together and he always said that God had sent him the perfect angel in his life to help straighten him out. I feel like things would have gone differently if my parents had not made me break up with him because he got arrested and was always in trouble. But I know that only God knows. But i digress, can a heart truly be whole again? Everyday holds memories of the past and I feel like the past is always haunting me and reminding me of my brokeness. I want to be able to love again but I guess first I need to learn to love myself and to put the past in the past.  

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April 18, 2011

The past makes you who you are, all you have to do is love yourself the way you are and accept the things you cannot change about your past. And… you aren’t broken, you are a beautiful puzzle looking to be put together. Don’t give up, some puzzles are harder then others but once all the pieces are back together and the picture is clear, the beauty makes everything worth it. 🙂 STAY STRONG!!