Hey Guys

Hey guys.

sorry i havent been on alot. I’ve been sick and i also just needed alone time.

Me and Pj see each other all the time but we really dont communicate.

Daniel has been texting me a little lately and I’m prolly gonna hang out with him soon.. Tyler moved off to the ‘boro so he aint around anymore.

I miss Pj but I’ve come to realize that I dont need him or anyone. Im fine by myself.

School starts back in a few weeks and im so ready for it. I love school.

I’m going cliff divin saturday!! Im scared and excited at the same time lol.

I’ve got a head cold right now but im not gonna let it stop me.

Well off to clean house. Love yall

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Things seem to be going better. And you already decided PJ was out. I heartily approve. 😉

Cause I do. And my stamp of approval is significant.

You should be. 😉