
 wanna know whats crazy?

Levi, the guy i wrote my very first entry about, came back..

I had the wierd feeling to check myspace one day and he had sent me a message 2 days before saying that he wanted to talk to me and that to text him.. I texted him and asked him what he wanted after a year.. He said to apologize for everything. He wants me to come out there one night and see him but im scared to go alone. I dont fully trust him. 

Daniel, yes daniel, lol texted me a few weekends ago and said that we needed to hang. But as usual, he blew me off..

Pj moved back to Elkmont

Tyler still lives in the ‘boro and he never texts back…

But Levi wanting to see me after a year shocked me.. He told me that he thought about me alot and that he missed me.. Idk what to believe right now.. I think i need to go out there for myself and see if he has really changed but im scared to go alone..

ME and Tiara arent friends anymore.. Long story short, she only talks to me when she wants something and she texted me while i was busy and expected me to drop everything and run out to her. And when i didnt reply because i was extremely busy she texted me saying how i was a horrible friend and that to just forget everything and that i’ve never been a good friend.. Which is a lie because a year of my life revolved around her and what she wanted.. She used me alot too

But that is only a broad overview of my rollar coaster life right now.. There are some things I cant talk about right now.. Just know that my life sucks right now

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Caution is a good thing.