8 Months Ago…

8 Months Ago My life changed forever…

My best friend was killed in a car accident one road over from my house..

Ever since that day I have felt numb to the world.. I think i am still in shock.

She lit up the world around her and now she lights up the sky.. Ever since that night there has been a star in the sky that has never gone away.. I see it everynight and during the day she gives me little signs to comfort me.. She draws pictures in the clouds and she makes the perfect song come on the radio and she comforts me when i cry…

She has saved me from people wrecking into me and i feel her peace and presence when i am scared..

She has forever changed my life and I carry a piece of her everywhere i go. Her mom made her closest friends rings that we all have and she ordered us necklaces that has our pictures in them.. I always have her with me..

I love you so much Carrie Mae Keller 🙂

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